Category "objective-c"

UIApplicationDidChangeStatusBarOrientationNotification is deprecated, any alternative?

I have changed my app target to IOS 13 to check the deprecated methods in my app and I am getting below warning: 'UIApplicationDidChangeStatusBarOrientati

what is the "Drag" and how did it come about?

I have define a custom actions in my accessibilityElement: UIAccessibilityCustomAction *action1 = ...initWithName:@"label1"; UIAccessibilityCustomAction *action

iOS: How to listen hotspot turn on, turn off notification events

I am working on an application where I need to observe the hotspot events e.g. there must be a callback when the mobile hotspot turn on also when turn off. I ha

SonarQube Objective-C rule "Functions should be declared explicitly" Not working

I am using SonarQube for objc and have some problems with the rule "objc:S819 – Functions should be declared explicitly". It seems Sonar does not find the

my app crash in uikit ,only happen on IPhone X and above exception name NSInternalInconsistencyException

Failed to load bounding path bitmap data from the asset manager for asset name: BoundingPathBitmap-1125x2436-375x812-3.00x The crash happen on the viewcontroll

how can i use only custom font without family font system on ios

I use CLImageEditor this link, but in the fonts picker it displays the system fonts, I do not want to display it, Because it contains strangely repetitive NewRo

Change SSL Pinning mode on runtime in AFNetworking

We have a trouble with AFNetworking library when we check for SLL Pinning. We need to change SLL Pinning mode on runtime but changing doest not effect for some

Unable to access SPM classes in Swift classes referencing Obj-C classes

I'm currently working on moving one of our apps dependencies from Cocoapods to SPM. The dependency is written purely in Swift, but our codebase using it is both

UIImage with resizableImageWithCapInsets Does Not Respond in Dark Mode

Does anyone know of a way to make a UIImage that has been stretched with resizableImageWithCapInsets respond to changes in light/dark mode? My current implement

How can I access a custom variable in the SceneDelegate from the ViewController?

I know how to access the scene delegate: self.view.window.windowScene.delegate And the window: UIScene *scene = [[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] connectedS

-1103 Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1103 "resource exceeds maximum size" iOS 13

We are facing the following networking error when the response is somehow large(14kb) on iOS 13. [-1103] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1103 "resource ex

How to handle Button click event of custom view?

I want to do this below concept in my project: I just created one small custom popup using UIViewController, this custom popup containing one message label and

How to handle Button click event of custom view?

I want to do this below concept in my project: I just created one small custom popup using UIViewController, this custom popup containing one message label and

Stop Method Execution after 5 Minute

How can i stop the execution of the method after a certain time? I am calling method as below: [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:5.0f

Custom macOS login Plugin crashes on Catalina ("not in immutable memory")

I am using the Apple NameAndPassword Xcode example to customize the macOS login experience. My goal is authenticate a user against Active Directory. I am using

The provided registration token is not registered

I'm trying to send push notification for iOS via Google cloud functions but it returns error that The provided registration token is not registered. But I've ch

iOS - Make WhatsApp voice/video call programmatically from my application

I have a requirement to make WhatsApp calls from my application. When I click the mobile number in my app then it should redirect to WhatsApp and initiate voice

Firebase Deep Link Web URL query is empty - iOS

I have a problem receiving Firebase Dynamic Links with the new custom URLs. I created one "", I set up everything to create it in code from the ap

Move to new view controller after successful login

I am experimenting with developing my first app. I need some help on moving from one view controller to the next after a successful login. I've looked up countl

How to setup physical based rendering in SceneKit from code?

I want to present some scene with PBR. I created metalness and roughness textures and want to apply it to the mesh. When I try to do it in Xcode - everything is