Category "nested"

using Django "include" template tag as nested - side effects?

Does anyone know or have any experience about bad side effects of using "nested include tags"? (I mean including a template file which itself includes another t

Filling a 2D array with values from a 1D array, but using list comprehension

I'm trying to "paste" the values contained in the 1D array dataslice (1x8) into the 2D array values_matrix (9x9), following the position indices contained in th

How can I access and process nested objects, arrays or JSON?

I have a nested data structure containing objects and arrays. How can I extract the information, i.e. access a specific or multiple values (or keys)? For examp

Nested list to dataframe [using purrr + map]

I've looked at a lot of posts so I'm sorry if this is redundant, but was hoping to get some help flattening a nested list: test <- list() test <- c( li

question regarding a nested dictionary is there a way to merge a nested dictionary in one dictionary

I'm following a python course on runestone and i'm stuck with the following question: Provided is a dictionary that contains pokemon go player data, where eac

How do I construct a dictionary of dictionary of dictionaries?

I was going through some basic gene encoding techniques and came across a problem: My dictionary should look something like : codon_dict= { "A": { "

Cypress xpath click a drop-down menu and click wi

enter image description hereI have the xpath module insatlled and I try to do the following operations: Click on an expandable option (type div); After that cli

return nested array solidity

Is it possible to return an array in solidity? // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity >=0.8.0 <0.9.0; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract

The best way to create a scrollable tab in the middle of the screen?

The mobile app of Twitter has a scrollable tab in the middle of the screen when you are on your profile. The top half of the screen displaying your profile in

Is it possible to use a more-like-this query on nested fields?

I have an "event" type based on a (nested) press article, including the title, and the text, which both have multifields. I've tried : { "query":{ "nest

What is the proper way of nesting related CSS lines?

I am trying to nest these lines of code together, I have tried the following but it does not work, is there any other way to have both the button and a tag chan

Python: Build edges based on nested list

I need an example to build edges based on nested list in python. Current code: data = [257, [269, [325]],[4,''],[0,'']] def iter(o, tree_types=(list, tuple)):

sort nested list data in python

I am trying to sort a nested list in python(3.8.5). I have a list like - [['1', 'A', 2, 5, 45, 10], ['2', 'B', 8, 15, 65, 20], ['3', 'C', 32, 35, 25, 140], [

Object-like attribute access for nested dictionary

I'm utilising a package which returns a nested dictionary. It feels awkward to access this return object in my class methods with the dictionary syntax, when ev

Nested if statements in cobol

I am trying to use nested if statements in Cobol. As far as I can tell I am following the style guides, but keep receiving the error: file_name.cob:64: Error: s

Fastest way to search Nested List<> in C#

I have a List<> which contains another List<> I need to find if a given value is present in any of the items in the innermost list. If match found,

Using Big O Notation, what is the correct label for this algorithm?

I am curious. What is the correct way to describe this using Big-O Notation? var prices = [100, 180, 260, 590, 40, 310, 535, 10, 5, 3]; var biggest_profit = 0;

Need a direct way of implementing Azure spring data cosmos db query implementation for a nested parameter

Say for example an object in cosmosDb looks like this:- {   att1: val1,   att2: val2,   att3: {   att4: val4,   att5: val5  

Python syntax to return an expression only if its value is not None

I want to know how to make a function return the return value of a nested function, if the return value of the nested function is not None. To make my code work