Category "navigation"

How To Prevent Navigation Loops In Flutter

In my application I have 13 screens in total, some of them has links to other screens, I also have a drawer that has links to most of these screens. The followi

Drawer Navigaiton React Native

ERROR Invariant Violation: Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module (calling runApplication). A frequent cause of the error is that the applicati

Unity navMeshAgent not working on terrain

The Unity Navmeshagent is not working !on terrain!. I'm very kinda new to unity and need help with the navmesh agent. It's baking fine just that the entity or s

Way to stop the navmesh obstacle avoidance pushing other agents around when they bump into each other

I am using Unity's navmesh system to make an RTS game with tanks. When the tanks get close to each other, the avoidance system kicks in and they try to get out

handling back button android

I have a problem while hitting the back button on an activity, in particular, the back button on the activity closes the application and destroys all the activi

Detection of Stairs using Ultrasonic Sensor - Using just sensors

I am working on a project for blind navigation wherein Im planning to place ultrasonic sensors like two each on the shoe, four on the vest( the person will be w

Set default transition for go_router in Flutter

as the docs from go_router describe, it is easy to set pageBuilder-Transitions for single pages. However, I want to set the default PageTransition for all pages

Using arrow keys in a table but having it start from the selected table cell

I am trying to use arrow keys to navigate a table. The below code works but the problem is that it will only navigate from the last place the arrow key was used

A blank white screen in the React Navigation. React Native

I have a project on React Native and sometimes when errors occur, the application gets on the wrong route in the React Navigation. Therefore, I get a blank whit

Indoor floor maps in react native

I want in implement floor map navigation in my application. Please , suggest any available Library or ways to implement it. Tried following, but does not allo

State of nested Fragments is lost when returned to same tab in 'Navigation Architecture Component'

I'm exploring the the 'Navigation Architecture Component' concept which introduced in Google I/O 2018 last month. Let say I have an activity with a bottom nav

Wpf navigation from one page to another and data grid loading large data

This is the desktop application I am creating in WPF. I am using Hamburger menu library. Desktop application Wpf I am struggling with this for last one week.

Swift & Navigation : Navigation Bar changes its background color when scroll the view

I have 2 ViewControllers embedded in a Navigation Controller shown in the picture below. Every time I scroll through my table item, the navigation background c

Adding an Image for Button on a Navigation Bar in CSS/HTML

I need to use an image for my navigation buttons inside of my navigation bar. Right now, I have it set as a color, and when hovered over, it changes color. Ho

Android Navigation Component: dynamically adding fragment to graph

I got a question about using Navigation Architecture Component. I have defined a navigation graph to my app and it works perfectly but I need to use framework S

Duplicate Classes to handle app flow (with explicit intents)

I have three different options in my app that allow the user through several of the same classes but at different times, ie 1) Sharing with friend: MainClass

How to use navGraphViewModels in Activity (Not in Fragment)

In Fragment, we can use ViewModel scoped to navigation Graph. private val viewModel: ViewModel by navGraphViewModels( But how to create View

Android NavigationRail Show multiple label lines for item text

I'm developing a NavigationRail and I wanted to display the text of each item in two lines, as show in this official example, but it keeps getting ellipsized in

Flutter: Error says - Could not find a generator for route RouteSettings while trying to navigate to another screen

Although questions with such error messages exist in this site, none solves my problem. I have a button and on clicking the button, I just need to go to a diffe

Custom responsive navbar (priority nav) using Bootstrap 5 and no JQuery

Trying to create a Bootstrap 5 custom responsive navbar (priority nav) with a "show More..." option using Vanilla JS, as I have dozens of menu-items and I can't