Category "mvvm"

Prism 8 , IDialogWindow keynotfound Exception in WPF C#

I used Prism 8.1 and Unity in my WPF Project. I want to implement IDialogWindow but get exception error... Prism.Ioc.ContainerResolutionException: 'An unexpect

How to add test data to PreviewProvider

I am new to iOS/Swift and to the MVVM architecture and was wondering how to send in test data to the SwiftUI Preview. (Actual data is received from the ViewMode

Blazor Server App MVVM-Pattern: Get notifyed in parent from child component change of App-State via a serviceclass in Startup.cs

I work on a Blazor-Server-App and try to follow MVVM pattern. My problem is, that I don't understand why a parentpage is not 'auto refreshed' after a property i

Best way to determine if a user can view a window

How can I determine if a user can see a window (fully or partially) at the screen using WPF/C#? I tried to define this using WindowState, but the window may be

XAML/MVVM help for implementing screen grid

As a complete beginner to XAML/MVVM I would like to request some help with implementing a 24x14 letter screen. The XAML implementation is quite easy I think wit

Filtering a recyclerview list using map or switchmap

I've been trying to figure this out for 2 days now - I just can't seem to get it to work! I'm using MVVM with a Repository pattern. Could someone tell me what I

Can I use MVVM without data binding?

I am trying to use MVVM. Upon reading some blogs on MVVM, I found them using data binding techniques like Rx, KVO, Boxing etc. Following are my classes for vali

Add/Delete Item in real-time from ListView (C# MVVM WPF)

I have a ListView with an ObservableCollection. The class User has a List with Groups. I have another ListView which shows the Groups of the selected User. Now

CanExecute works only partial

I am working on a WPF .NET 5 application that needs to handle a longer task using a button command. Until the task is done, the button should be disabled. I am

SwiftUI MVVM Coordinator/Router/NavigationLink

I am having problems to translate UIKit architecture patterns to SwiftUI. My current pattern is mostly MVVM with Coordinators/Routers. The MVVM part seems quite

How can I use an API to implement a search functionality on Android?

I am attempting to create a search functionality in an android application and have been doing research on how I can accomplish this while taking in data from a

What Tools are Used to Draw Software Documentation [closed]

I would like to draw diagrams like this one: (taken from here.) What tools are available to create such figures?

Inputted Items sometimes appear empty in Data grid

I have ItemsControl and a DataGrid in a WPF UserControl. this is how it looks like when the "Add to card" button is pressed a ViewModel instance is added to Obs

Newbie SwiftUI Nested array

Please help me display my model data from api I have a nested json data response and Have a swiftui model as below ****************************MyData model stru

Kotling :: Android :: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Class cannot be cast to androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel

I am getting an exception in the first line of the code below viewModel.homeLiveData.observe(this, Observer { list -> list?.let { mLis

Cannot create an instance of class ViewModel

I am trying to write a sample app using Android architecture components and but even after trying for days I could not get it to work. It gives me the above exc

WPF change bound command for keybindings based on property?

I have a xaml window that I want to bind the Escape key to different commands in my view model depending on the value of a boolean property. IsSearching == tru

Android - DataSource vs Repository

You hear a lot of people talking about repositories and datasources when talking about design patterns like MVVM or MVI. I've been creating repositories for thi

Cannot find setter for attribute app:visibleGone

I am trying to implement the MVVM architecture in my android application. I'm using Kotlin for the same. This is my binding adapter class: class BindingAdapte

How to solver error for kotlin coroutines flow?

I tried to use NetworkBoundResource for my MVVM Model and after i follow some tutorial, i'm having an error look this 10-21 14:15:04.073 31376-31376/com.example