Category "ms-access"

How do you search database record with multiple words?

So, say i have a record in database like "Something with corn". if i use sql like "SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE '%Something corn%'", the record wont sh

Tkinter to Connect to MS Access Database

I'm trying to make a GUI using tkinter to select the MS Access Database. I get an error: "General error Unable to open registry key Temporary (volatile) Ace DSN

Excel code crashes after a couple of uses, opening a connection to Access

We have an Excel 2016 quoting tool that uses VBA code to compare the product codes entered against an Access database and then update another sheet with the det

MS Access 2016 decrypt field that is encrypted in linked ODBC SQL Server table

I need to encrypt SSN (nvarchar(25)) field in a SQL Server database table. Once encrypted, the Access program needs to be able to decrypt the field for user vi

Updating one table in MS Access with data from another

In MS Access 2016 I have a table named Master that periodically needs to gets updated with ‘updated’ data from a table named NewData. Each table ha

How to pivot between current day and previous days

I'm using Access SQL I have data that looks like this:- dealdate value 17-Apr-22 267 18-Apr-22 274 I'm trying to make the data look like this (there will only

Access: VBA code not pulling the right hyperlink from Database

` Private Sub Link_Click() Dim OpenLink As String Dim db As DAO.Database Set db = CurrentDb OpenLink = DLookup("Link", "dbo_tbl3_Ranke

How to specify the max of a field +1 when defining a SetField value in a Before Insert trigger?

I have a database with a table that has as its primary key an autoincrement number field I call id. In the datasheet view, I want to create some new records us

How to specify the max of a field +1 when defining a SetField value in a Before Insert trigger?

I have a database with a table that has as its primary key an autoincrement number field I call id. In the datasheet view, I want to create some new records us

DLookUp select secondary email if primary is empty or null

I have a form that is selecting emails based on companies that have expired insurances. Some companies have both a Business and personal emails whilst others ha

Looking for a complete Python script so that it runs my Macro?

I'm trying to create a Python script that opens MS Access and runs a Macro. I have the following script: import win32api,time from win32com.client import Dispat

Opening MS Access database with Powershell?

I am trying to open a form in an access database using powershell: $application = New-Object -ComObject Access.Application $Fullpath = "path.accdb" $appli

Microsoft Access 2013 Input Mask

How do I place on a input mask on an entity on my table? I want the entity LibraryID's mask to consist of 2 uppercase letters followed by 4 numbers.

Outlook Redemption error in MS Access: ActiveX component can't create object

Code: Dim Application As Object, namespace As Object Set Application = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set namespace = Application.GetNamespace

VBA-Json Parse Nested Json

Thank you to @QHarr for working on this with me! My goal is to grab the values for each of the nested categories from "orders" my json: { "total": 14, "

Getting Outlook Redemption to work on 64-bit operating systems?

Our servers are upgrading to Windows 10 64-bit (which is also using Office 64-bit products) and I noticed that in this environment, the old Outlook Redemption c

Setting the location of a form in access vba

I'm working on an Access application with multiple nested forms on which the users clicks on selections in order to do specific tasks, e.g., enter new data, sea

MSAccess 2010 VBA Open a read-only database

I have a MSAccess database that I'm trying to pull archived data into, from other MSAccess databases that live in read-only folders. So ... Dim aidbx As DAO.Da

MSAccess 2010 VBA Open a read-only database

I have a MSAccess database that I'm trying to pull archived data into, from other MSAccess databases that live in read-only folders. So ... Dim aidbx As DAO.Da

Expression Builder for a command Button in MS Access

I am new to MS Access and would like to work with buttons of a form. I wanted to understand a point I have a text box search and I have a button in the form I d