Category "min"

Find lowest value matched from an Index/Match of an array

Example Spreadsheet Current formula not returning values as desired: =IFERROR(ifNA(min(arrayformula(index(D2:I2, match(INDEX(FLATTEN(split(A2, ", ", FALSE)&

Find the Max and Min element out of all the nested arrays in javascript

I have a array like so: var arr = [[12,45,75], [54,45,2],[23,54,75,2]]; I want to find out the largest element and the smallest element out of all the elemen

Ionic 2 - Setting min and max attribute to ion-datetime

I know this seems easy, but I could not find any answers for my question. How can I set the min and/or max attributes to ion-datetime, but only for time picker

Elegantly calculate the minimum and maximum of a number array simultaneously

In Javascript, given a simple number[] array, is there an elegant way to calculate the minimum and maximum values simultaneously, or return undefined if the arr

Calculate Minimum by Ignoring NA for Non-Adjacent Cells in MS Excel

I have data (example as below) where I want to find a Minimum value for L and R but ignoring NA. I've tried to refer to

How to set the min/max attribute on input type=date

I'm having some problems to set a minimum and a maximum YEAR with HTML5 date input. Here is my code: <input required="required" min="1900-01-01" max="2099-0

Tuple Relational Calculus: taking the results of one query and adding it to another

I am looking to see how I can combine the results of one query into another expressed in TRC format. Question Retrieve the names of employees who make at least

How to apply min and max on textarea?

Is there a way in HTML5 forms to add a min and max character to a textarea? It seems I can apply it to a regular input using pattern. <input pattern=".{3,}"