Category "microsoft-graph-api"

MS Graph SDK for Java failed to upload large Word files

We are having problem uploading large Office files (Word, Excel) to Teams using MS Graph SDK for Java. Just wondering if anyone experienced the similar issue. H

Custom data in Channel and Message level in Microsoft Teams

How to keep some custom metadata in channel and message level in the Microsoft teams app?

How to filter Microsoft Graph API JSON response using Power Query language?

My request is GET$select=appRoles Because of this I have a problem in PowerApps, I can't show the objects.

Requesting list of a users microhone and headset & phone devices

The audio, video conferencing devices, microhones headset and other devices which are used for microsoft team calls and conferences, where are thisdata is st

How to upload contentBytes chunk by chunk on Graph url return by createUploadSession graph API?

As per microsoft graph API documentation the createUploadSession graph API only return the URL where attachment can upload but how to upload attachment chunk by

OneDrive REST APIs: "message": "The specified item does not have content." when downloading a file

the use case I would like to download an excel sheet from OneDrive using the REST API Documentation: the documentation proposed to call this Endpoint : GET /me/

Microsoft Teams ‘chats: getAllMessages’ API on 'v1.0'

As per the documentation ‘chats: getAllMessages’ (GET /users/{id | user-principal-name}/chats/getAllMessages) of MSTeams Export API is available onl

Error 400 - Bad Request an Creating user with Microsoft Graph

I am trying to create a new user in my tenant using Microsoft Graph (v1.0) with help of the Microsoft doc. When I create my user, I always get an error 400 bad

How do i use the MS graph api in react?

I'm completely new to JS and React and im trying to upload a file with my MS custom teams app. I've found the information i need to make it work, i just dont un

Write data frame to Excel file stored in Microsoft Teams using Graph API

I am new to working with APIs and especially MS Graph API so please excuse my ignorance. I work with data in R which is similar to Python, I have a data frame w

Is there an api endpoint to list files in private chat?

I am looking for a way to get the number of files in a private chat using the Microsoft Graph API. Currently I can get the messages from private chat using: bet

Paging support in graph SDK

Does Microsoft Graph Java SDK provide paging support for groups and users? As Microsoft Grpah API supports paging


I use GraphServiceClient When I try to call: var currentUser = await _graphServiceClient.Me.Request().GetAsync(); It works. BUT when I try to call: var inbox =

Is there a way to search for federated Teams users in Microsoft graph?

In the Teams client, you can search for any open federated users using the top search box. It'll give an option to search externally, which will return a feder

How can i get all Sharepoint folders using Graph API?

Currently I am creating a site in Sharepoint and associating it with Teams and then when i access the Sharepoint folders I call.

What happens to GraphServiceClient when access token expires?

This is the code. I get an access token and with that access token I create a client. What happens if access token expires? Do I need to create another client?.

Traversing through IGraphServiceCollectionPage

I have made a List of graph service collection page but I need to put if loop to see if email exits in the list. Can someone help me t traverse. This is the cod

Microsoft Graph Api User.Read.All Not granted for my domain

I am getting the following error or status Not granted for my domain. see the attached document Is this because my role is User? I tried to find who is Azure A

File Upload to Channel via Microsoft Teams Graph Api

I have been trying to do a file upload to a channel using the graph Api. I can successful do an upload to my personal OneDrive, using the request https://graph.

Microsoft OAuth parsing state parameter as string, but return a hash

I'm using the Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow to authorize user information from Microsoft Azure. In my Ruby code I parse the