Category "message"

"pywhatskit" on python not sending message

Using the module pywhatkit you can send messages on WhatsApp, I used the script: import pywhatkit as w w.sendwhatmsg("xxxxxxxx", " this is a generated msg",9,2

Sending messages to durable queue using Rabbit perf test tool

How can I send messages to a durable queue using the Rabbit Perf Test tool? I am getting this following error: Caused by: com.rabbitmq.client.ShutdownSignalExc

Laravel Form Request custom error message for date_format rule

I want to add a custom message on date_format validation in laravel but conldn't find any thing.How i can add a custom message I have used this $messages = [ 'p

Javascript form success

I can't seem to get a success message to pop up with my form on my site. The message gets received but no indication is giving to the user via alert as it's mea

the Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library error message

I decided to turn over a new leaf and start learning Java, but after downloading eclipse I cannot seem to make it run. I originally got an error saying it could

Creating a simple Hello world Android Client-Server program

To keep it simple, all I'm trying to do is to send a message from my Android Emulator to a Java console server on Eclipse that contains a simple string, then I