Category "mermaid"

Mermaid change position of nodes / options Anyway to fix nodes' position

I'm trying to draw a flow chart in html. The flow must be configured as below. I've tried it in Mermaid like this <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.

Change font of text on links in graph Mermaid

I want to change the font (color, size...) of the text on the link (Change_font), but I am not able to figure out. Can someone help? <script src="https:/

Mermaid diagram line break

I cannot find how to insert a line break in long titles inside nodes. For example: library(DiagrammeR) mermaid(" graph TB A[GE Solution]-->C{ } B[

Spaces in Mermaid

I have a .md file saved and I am viewing it using Atom and the Mermaid Preview package. I am going off the example on their GitHub page: graph TD; A-->B;

Mermaid - How to connect subgraphs in markdown?

I'm using Mermaid in markdown. I can't figure out how to connect subgraphs. Given the program below, I need to be able to connect one and two with an arrow. -

Mermaid - How to set the labels style for flowchart nodes

I need to change the style of the flowchart nodes. I've managed to set the background color and the outline: style s1 fill:#0000,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px H