Category "mean-stack"

passport-jwt in MEAN-Stack returning Internal Server Error 500

Im using passport.js JWT strategy to authenticate my MEAN-Stack app. The unsecured routes work properly but i cant get the secured routes to work. they allways

PayloadTooLargeError on loopback 3

I need to save base64 image in loopback model. When i'm saving base64 image i get an error saying . I have tried updating in middleware same added below, i have

can i build a component which interacts with backend using angular elements? [closed]

I'm currently building a quiz app which uses a component to create a widget using which we can embed to a 3rd party website. This widget GETs

Environment variable undefined error in node.js

server.js const express = require('express'); const dotenv = require('dotenv'); const error = require('./middleware/errorMiddlewareHandler'); const usersRo

nodemon app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting

EDIT After further testing, I have found that this is happening with both gulp and grunt on this app and on the default install of mean.js. I'm running this lo