Category "materialize"

Is there a way to center a card in a container using Materialize CSS?

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudf

How can I load value on input date with angular?

I'm programming with Angular 1.5.5 and I'm using Materialize CSS 0.97.6. On my controller, I have $scope.myDate = '2017-01-13T02:06:40' In the HTML file, I have

How to host material icons offline?

My apologies if this is a very simple question, but how do you use google material icons without a <link href="

Adding Material effects to java swing

I am trying to make a Java Swing application using NetBeans 8, and I was wondering if there is any possible way I could apply materialize effects to my Java Swi

Materializecss tabs not working properly

In the code below, I'm using materializecss and angular-materialize <div class="row"> <div class="col s12"> <ul tabs> <li clas

Laravel - Browser displays message again when I press back button

Every time I create a new category in my application, it displays a message of success. Here is my code: return redirect('dashboard/categorias')->with('mess

How do I bind data for autocomple to input fields in materialize?

I'm using materialize framework for a personal project and following the documentation I was able to add the data to autocomplete my form fields. In this form,