Category "mapbox-gl"

How to set custoM marker returned by Mapbox.Geocoder

Taking my fists steps with MapboxGL.js I could add a control to use Geolocating and I would need some control over the marker that Geocoder put on map after a d

display div on top of ngx-mapboxgl map

I'm trying to use ngx-mapbox-gl in an angular 7 app for the first time and am experiencing something strange with the map. I want to display some text and a but

How to disable an event listener in mapbox?

I am trying to have control over event listeners over a layer with Mapbox on React. is supossed to do the trick, but it is not removing the onclick even

Mapbox Layer wont update on statechange

I am trying to use a custom layer and update it over time but can't seem to get it to work to update when state changes. I am using a library to interpolate I

Multiple LineLayer Colour doesn't change in the ShapeSource

I have use the MapBox to draw multiple lines with different coordinate, So I use the ShapeSource layer and LineLayer for this, Currently I have take one ShapeSo

Add padding to map area in MapBox

How can I add padding to the map area? As you can see in the screenshot there is a yellow div overlaid over the top and the popup is appearing underneath it s

How can I add an icon to switch the mapboxgl style dynamically?

I want to add an icon as below in the mapboxgl view. Working with Angular2 When I click the icon it should automatically switch the styles (streets-v9, satel

Flutter Mapbox clickable cluster annotations

I am trying to use Flutter mapbox_gl package to display clustered data, support for this functionnality has been added recently as showed in this example. When

Add many 3d objects on mapbox map using three.js

I want to add about 20.000 plane geometries on mapbox map. Docs have example with only one object(even camera configured for one object). My purpose - isometric

flutter mapbox gl doesn't stop scrolling on iOS simulator when mouse button is released

I am working on a cross platform app using mapbox gl with flutter. It has been built for Android and works as expected there, and I am trying to get it working

Mapbox Popup only opens once and never again

I am creating a React Mapbox App, and I have an issue with popups. When I render the map, all the Markers show correctly on the map. Then I click on the Marker