Category "logging"

Heroku logs : Service temporarily unavailable. Please try again later

FIRST : When I run in my terminal : heroku logs or heroku logs --tail, I get "Service temporarily unavailable. Please try again later" What does it mean pleas

Does Log4J2 have an equivalent of Log4J's Renderers?

I'm working in a Java solution that is using log4j 2.11 as its logging framework. I'm also using a library that uses a particular POJO extremely frequently. I w

Spark History server not listing completed jars

I'm running Spark standalone jobs in Windows. I would like to monitor my Spark jobs using the spark history server. I have launched spark history server with be

How to test logstash Marker in Junit

I have to create a Junit test for my class logging Map<String, Object> mapMarker = new HashMap<>(); mapMarker.put("input_source", "test_input_source

How to capture all request logs from OPA server

I'm using Open Policy Agent ( I'm using it in kubernetes. I have various user traffic going on. I have such contai

log4j2 logs are not getting logged in auto generated log file under logs folder

Here i am trying to save my logs generated during execution in logs file i have used with Testng listener to save my logs , my log4j2.propertie

How to read log file from s3 (cloudtrail) in Lambda function

I have just started using aws and have no idea on how to read log files in lambda from s3 that have been created by CloudTrail (using python-boto3)

How to log retries from Polly with ILoggerFactory

Or: How to log from a static method. From you have examples like this one where a logger is magically available: Policy .Ti

Create a decorator that will check if the function will run successfully or throws error?

I have to create a decorator for a event in django and store all args, kwargs, status, etc in django model. So far I am able to store args, kwargs and traceback

What's the worst level log that I just logged?

I've added logs to a Python 2 application using the logging module. Now I want to add a closing statement at the end, dependent on the worst thing logged. If t

Rendering terminal output in the browser

I have a file with a bunch of terminal logs captured with the screen utility. Here's a snippet: [A[0m[27m[24m[J[34m~[39m (base) [38;5;242mbase[39m [35mϱ

Is there a way to extract Nintendo 3DS activity log data and to use it in R

I am using unmodded hard- and software (New Nintendo 2DS XL, newest firmware version). Any ideas or example of how it is done (without installing custom firmwar

Should I take ILogger, ILogger<T>, ILoggerFactory or ILoggerProvider for a library?

This may be somewhat related to Pass ILogger or ILoggerFactory to constructors in AspNet Core?, however this is specifically about Library Design, not about how

Spring Boot Slf4j change log timestamp to use UTC timezone

Spring boot app with default logger settings and using lombok's @Slf4j Prints logs like {"timestamp":"2020-02-26T11:25:57.485-05:00" ..........} Time shown 11:

The presence of : character in filePattern causes Illegal Char error in RollingFileAppender (log4j2) when configuring programatically

In log4j2.xml when defining the RollingFileAppender, it works fine. Programatically its throwing the error. XML file - <RollingFile name="LogToRollingFile"

Filtering AWS CloudWatch raw log events by multiple values / AWS CLI

Given the following query on CloudWatch that extracts logs with messages including "entry 1456" (where 1456 is an ID) how should I extend this to take multiple

Terraform enable VM Insights

Did someone managed to enable via terraforms Insights for a VM? i'm able to create a VM, enable logging, but not enable insights.. i've seen this question: but

Output AWS cli sync command from bat file to log file with timestamp

I would like to run aws s3 sync on a scheduled bat file, logging the output to a file with timestamps. Here is the bat file: cls set ARG1=%1 if %ARG1%==test co

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger after updating log4j 1.2.17 to 2.13.0

I am running Tomcat v9.0 server on a Java Eclipse project. Each time I run my application on the server I get this Problem Occured message: Server Tomcat v

Argparse: is it possible to combine help texts from multiple parsers?

I'm writing a module with custom logging utilities to be imported in other scripts. It's based on the standard-library logging module. One of these utilities lo