Category "lldb"

How do I debug an app on the Mac that accesses the camera?

My Qt C++ app captures video from the camera on the Mac. It has the NSCameraUsageDescription value set in its plist file. But, not surprisingly, this doesn't he

LLDB RPC server freezes app

For the past months I have not been able to debug macOS or iOS apps through Xcode. What happens is the following: Build and run app from Xcode. Xcode says app

How to step over objc_msgSend function in lldb?

In objective-c, function cal is translated to objc_msgSend. e.g. [foo doSomething:@"keke"] is translated to objc_msgSend(foo, "doSomething:", @"keke") How

Could not start debugger. Could not run 'lldb-mi'. Make sure that the path name is specified correctly

I'm facing this error when launching the C++ debug on KDevelop. Where does this error originate? Any idea would be appreciated. thanks.