Category "ld"

modify ld library search path on cluster (no root access)

I am compiling gcc 8.5 from source on a linux cluster in my home directory (no root access). I have exported -L/MYHOME/lib/' to CFLAGS, LDFLAGS, LD_LIBRARY_PATH

relocation truncated to fit r_386_8 against .bss'

When I try to build my source into a 32-bit static executable for Linux with nasm -f elf -F dwarf -g loop.asm ld -m elf_i386 -o loop loop.o I get this R_386_

Getting "ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 clang" on one of nearly identicals machines

I've been on this for two days, searched every corner of the internet and couldn't find any solutions. Currently, when I try to build React-Native Xcode project