Category "laravel-5.1"

Laravel's localization on JavaScript Variables

I have some JavaScript variables that I output on a rating scale as shown below. I now want to achieve Laravel's localization therefore translate the variables

printing all running session variable in laravel 5.1

How do I print all running session variable in Laravel 5.1? I want to print all the running session variable. Currently I can retrieve single running session f

Laravel 5.1 xmlHttpRequest AJAX POST TokenMismatchException

The relevant code is shown below: var csrfToken = "{{ csrf_token() }}";"POST", "/internal/v1/create/strategy", true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('X

Get only records created today in laravel

How do I use the created_at field to get only the records that were created today and no other day or time? I was thinking of a ->where('created_at', '>=

Laravel 5.1 how to use {{ old('') }} helper on blade file for radio inputs

I'm currently learning laravel and creating my first form. Everything is awesome until I want to use {{ old('') }} helper in my blade file for radio buttons. I'

Laravel: Remove an attribute in returned result

I have the following code: $orders = Order::all(); return $orders; This returns something like this: [ { "id": 123, "qr_code": "foo.p

Class App\Http\Controllers\UserController Does Not Exist

Having the issue when loading the route /users or /user/add and being return an error of; ReflectionException in Route.php line 280: Class App\Http\Contro

How to KeyBy where multiple items have the same key

I am using Laravel Collections methods and am trying to key my query results (which are a collection) by the id. The problem is I have multiple entries with the