Category "kivymd"

Rasberrypi 4 - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'kivymd.uix.picker'

My program was successfully installed all the package from Windows 10 and was able to run the code. But when I transfer the program from the rasberrypi 4 using

Is there a way to display a pandas Dataframe in KivyMD?

Is there a way to display a pandas DataFrame in KivyMD? I tried putting the dataframe as a KivyMD DataTable but it doesn't work that way.

Kivymd Custom Input Dialog. problem with getting text

I am creating an Input Dialog using kivymd. Whenever I try to fetch the text from the text field, it doesn't output the text, rather it seems like the text is n

How can i speed up camera frame rate on display window in python/kivy?

I am trying to make an inventory app (qr/data matrix) where equipment can be added and organized using a QR/data matrix code. When i run the camera the frame ra

Kivy: How do I place a resizable button in the RH bottom corner, with spacing?

I'm new to Kivy, and want to use it for developing a mobile 'Event Card' app. I've done the basic layout I believe, but the button at the bottom RH corner elude

kivymd expansion panel - how to create panels with different content

Eorking with kivymd, and trying to create an expansion panel list with different content in each of the panels. Tried to write an if statement inside the def on

KivyMD TopAppBar

I'm trying to learn Kivy and KivyMD because I want to make an android app. But I'm stuck at the first hurdle. I want a toolbar, or as the KivyMD documentation c

Problem with setting size of MDDialog in KivyMD

Faced the problem of adjusting the parameters of the card and everything that is located on it. I can't set the size of the card I need and besides that, I can'