Category "keyboard"

Flutter, how to handle keyboard shortcuts

wanna implement keyboard shortcuts into web app, found this example but it doesn't work as expected. Would like action to occur every time I hold down alt and t

How do i prevent the keyboard from pushing my view up in react native?

I am building a registration form in React Native. I have this view. When keyboard is showing it is pushing my form and image over my title view like this. Wh

How do i prevent the keyboard from pushing my view up in react native?

I am building a registration form in React Native. I have this view. When keyboard is showing it is pushing my form and image over my title view like this. Wh

TextInputType.number only accepts numbers from an english keyboard

i am making a multilingual shopping app and i have arabic and anthor language ++ english as the languages the user can pick, when someone wants to order they ha

TextField is gaining focus after navigating to another screen

In my project I've wrapped the whole MaterialApp in a GestureDetector which is supposed to dismiss keyboard when user tapped the screen, using this piece of cod

Flutter web done button has container at top of keyboard

I had an app that use flutter for web. every i focus on textfield and pressed the button 'done' at top keyboard of phone it will be close the keyboard but when

Shortcut to comment code on

I'm learning React on which it's exactly like VSCode, my main code editor currently. However I'm not able to find the shortcut to comment and unc

How to intercept flutter back-button when keyboard is shown

I want to intercept the back-button of the soft keyboard in flutter. So when I want to close the keyboard by pressing the back-button I want an additional funct

How can I make a set up file to install my Sinhala Keyboard using Keyman Developer?

I have developed a Sinhala Keyboard using Keyman Developer 14.290. I have compiled it to a 'KMP' package file. I use it in my computer and shared with several f

Swift 3: UITextView - Dynanmic height - Programmatically

I have a keyboardContainer class (Subclass of UIView / created programmatically so no storyboard) including a UITextView for the user to type messages in. It is

Why does the Software Keyboard cause Widget Rebuilds on Open/Close?

I have a screen, which contains a Form with a StreamBuilder. when I load initial data from StreamBuilder, TextFormField show data as expected. When I tap inside

Win32 raw input blocks input locale switching when RIDEV_NOLEGACY is specified

I'm writing a keyboard input system for Windows based on Raw Input. It is implemented with RIDEV_NOLEGACY flag set, and legacy keyboard messages are generated m

Issue: React-Native - Keyboard closes on each keystroke for TextInput

Full disclaimer upfront for this one - I've been working with react native for around a week or two, and I suspect that I've encountered this issue without full

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'keybord'

I am using python 3.x. I have installed pip and I actually made a path to \Scripts in windows. Then I installed module named keyboard. However when I try to imp

React-native White square when keyboard dismiss

I could use a little help here. I made a form to register a trip, it works, that's cool. But when I want to use the keyboard and then dismiss it, it leaves a w

how to have close option in android keyboard

I don't wanna see the Enter option on my keyboard. showing close instead of Enter option. what should I do? The screenshot of my layout: my xml code :

getrawinputdata within a simple main()

I am trying to read values from the joystick using simple C++ techniques and Windows. My aim is to write a program that sends a keyboard command whenever the jo

Detect if the active keyboard has a physical `Fn` key in Swift

I want to use the Fn modifier key if available, and if not, offer the user a different modifier. But only offer it to users without a Fn key. Some external keyb

How do I implement a global keyboard hook using GTk2 C# Visual Studio on mac?

This is not a duplicate question. I have read lots of implementations of low level / global keyboard hooks using C# but none of them have yet provided a solutio

Which is Key_F13

I am developing a program where we need to implement Key F13 but I can't find F13 in keyboard. Can someone please tell me which code belongs to Key F13 in norma