Category "jupyter-lab"

Automatic cell execution timing in jupyter lab

In jupyter notebook, I can configure an automatic cell timing with nbextensions, the result is like so: How can I do this in jupyter lab? I didn't find any ext

File not found error in Jupyter lab using python

I using online jupyterlab which can be accessed through this link below if not then use the second link This is the second link So the problem is i have uploade

Change font size and make text bolder in IPython.display Markdwon in JupyterLab notebook

Initially I have added heading to my JupyterLab Notebook using markdown cell: <h1><center>For April 2021</center></h1> then to make the

JupyterLab: Run all cells below

In the Jupyter Notebook I could use the following command to automatically execute all cells below the current cell. from IPython.display import Javascript dis

How to solve [WinError 5] Access is denied in anaconda prompt

I have recently reset my laptop and installed Anaconda in it, and I tried to open JupyterLab but it gives me error Error executing Jupyter command 'lab': [WinE

How to login to bash with current user, and the user's .bashrc file, in jupyterlab?

I have a configuration file setup in .bashrc which I would like to apply to all terminals opened automatically in my jupyterlab. Currently jupyterlab terminal

Jupyter notebook shows FileNotFoundError and is unable to run any shell

I have installed Jupyter: OS : 32bit windows 7 jupyter notebook version is 6.0.1. After installing it, when I try to open a notebook, it shows a kernel error

Cannot access Jupyter lab on Google Cloud Platform. Cannot find template: "403.html"

I have a virtual machine on Google Cloud Platform. I left a code running on Jupyter lab, which I accessed through port 8080, and I was checking its proper funct

Get notebook outline in sagemaker studio like in Visual Studio Code

When I use visual studio code with jupyter notebook, I have an "outline" tab in the left panels that display the Markdown section of my notebook for quick acces

How to add conda environment to jupyter lab

I'm using Jupyter Lab and I'm having trouble to add conda environment. The idea is to launch Jupyter Lab from my base environment, and then to be able to choose

Change directory in Jupyter Lab not working

I ran the commands attached below in my command line and it works, as it should, but not in JupyterLab. It seems odd but I was wondering what's going on?

JavaScript output is disabled in JupyterLab

Although Google has a lot to say when searching for the title I could not find anything that helped me... When running the following code in a Jupyter notebook

Not able to install Jupyterlab extensions on GCP AI Platform Notebooks

I have started to experience an issue with installing extensions for Jupyterlab that I have not experienced in the past. I am not able to build after installing

Jupyter notebook Application launch error

When I try to launch Jupyter notebook from Anaconda3 I get this Application launch error: Fail to get yarn configuration. /root/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-pac

Enable word wrap in JupyterLab code editor

I would like to enable word wrap for the code cells in jupyterlab, but do not manage to find how. Already tried: File --> Settings --> Text Editor -->

Jupyter command `jupyter-lab` not found

I have tried to install jupyter lab on my Kubuntu machine. If I install jupyter lab with 'pip3 install jupyter jupyterlab' the command 'jupyter notebook' works

Hidden code cells (Jupyter lab) show up on github

Jupyter Lab allows the user to hide a code cell, hide an output cell, or both. This is a very nice feature that is saved when saving the notebook, so it remembe