Category "jpa"

JPA CriteriaBuilder ManyToOne and null values

I'm trying to create a Specification for filtering a table. This table has 2 @ManyToOne relationships (that can be null) and I'd like to apply the filter inside

How can we test for the N+1 problem in JPA/Hibernate?

I have a N+1 problem, and I’d like to write some kind of automated regression test because it impacts performance very much. I thought about spying the E

QueryDSL Predicate for use with JPARepository where field is a JSON String converted using an AttributeConverter to a List<Object>

I have a JPA Entity (Terminal) which uses an AttributeConverter to convert a Database String into a list of Objects (ProgrmRegistration). The converter just us

How do I set up a recursive, many-to-many relationship WITH an association class using JPA?

So I'm trying to create a pharmacy database that, among other things, keeps track of drug-to-drug interactions. I have a Drug entity with various members and as

About the use of JPA ElementCollection

I used the ElementCollection annotation on a List object, @ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @CollectionTable( name = "a", joinC

problem with postgresql sequence and hibernate

I often read this site, but this is the first time I write, hope I won't make mistakes and apologize for my bad english. I get to the point: I have to develop c

How do I use the same parameter multiple times in my Query using JPA?

How do I use a parameter multiple times in the same query? Here is my Query: @Query(value = """ SELECT * FROM person WHERE first_name = ? or last_name =

JPA Specification predicate for querying latest/newest/most recent records

I'm trying to convert the below query into a JPA specification in order to enable more flexible querying of my Rule entities, but i don't find any way of transl

@Transactional spring JPA .save() not necessary?

I understand that if we use annotation @Transactional. "save()" method is not necessary. Is it exact? And for my example: @Transactional void methodA() { .

How to check if token expired in java?

I have user which have: id, username,password, tokenExpires which is Date. When i generate token i generate a string, how to check if token is not expired?

how to make findby with composite key in spring data - jpa -hibernate ? @EmbeddedId

@Embeddable public class AccountTransactionId implements Serializable { private String trxDate; private String acctNo; private int trxNo; } @Entity

Is it a good or bad convention to update entity / row without calling save() in hibernate / spring-jpa?

Recently I found it not necessary to call if within a @Transactional block. Hibernate / Spring-JPA will update row automatically when exiting

Nested ID class required to be named like relationship, even though not being a derived identifier?

There's chapter 10 in the book "Pro JPA 2 in Java EE 8", section called "Multiple Mapped Attributes", there the well-known department-project example using @IdC

JPA Inheritance with JOINED strategy

I've seen many posts about inheritance but nothing match my problem. I try to build a correct objects model: The root class @Entity @Inheritance(strategy = I

The class 'javax.persistence.Convert' is required to be in the selected libraries

When selecting a user library as the JPA implementation in Eclipse Dali's project settings, the following error message is displayed: The class 'javax.persi

Axon Aggregate Identifier Type Converter

PROBLEM: In an aggregate-state Axon SpringBoot application @AggregateIdentifier is of type UUID and PostgreSQL database column is of type UUID. When persisted o

select query inside loop - Database connections in JPA

In my Spring MVC application, I have @Transactional annotated method inside which I make call(select query) to DAO layer inside for loop. If my input list size

Performance insert by JPA Spring-boot with Oracle database

the first thanks for your time. I am trying to insert data to the database by JPA(spring-boot), the project is using Oracle. Currently, Insert 5000 record, it t

How to access nested Json Object Value into JPA Entity Class

I have a payload like this { "eventId":"ep9_0579af51", "eventTime":"5/11/2022 5:50:58 PM", "eventType":"UpdateTransaction", "meta":{ "us

detached entity passed to persist - on findByMethod

I understand the error message and i know how to solve it, but i want to know why it occurs in this specific place especially on a find method. I created a mini