Category "jcenter"

Could not find com.beloo.widget:ChipsLayoutManager:0.3.7

I am using repositories mavenCentral() because jcenter() is deprecated. I want to implement com.beloo.widget:ChipsLayoutManager:0.3.7. But this is uploaded on j

Could not find ( or any version )

Error : Could not find Searched in the following locations:

jCenter returns 502 Bad Gateway

I am trying to build my project but it seems the jcenter is down. $ cd android $ sudo ./gradlew assembleRelease > Task :app:lintVitalRelease FAILED FAILURE:

Error:Unknown host ''. You may need to adjust the proxy settings in Gradle

I am trying to use the fabric io plugin and have to use the below maven repo : maven { url '' } but it gives me error while syn

Could not HEAD ''. Received status code 502 from server: Bad Gateway

I am trying to build my react-native project for android and getting the following error on Windows but its working on Mac. $ react-native run-android info Runn