Category "java"

Implementing latest version of JCIFS

Trying to update my app from jcifs-1.3.19 to the latest jcifs-2.1.29 I have changed the appropriate code, adding the "necessary" jars to build.gradle <see a

How to fix SocketException while connecting to Telegram Bot API in Java App

I'm working on my Telegram bot. I know, in my countries Telegram is locked, so I decide to connect to Telegram Bot API through proxy. When I try to run this cod

incompatible types: View cannot be converted to LinearLayout

When I want to make Apk file I get 8 errors, I hope someone helps me to fix it Task :app:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac FAILED C:\Codes\code\app\src\main\ja

How to select date only from database that storing dob as datatype timestamp without timezone in java

I have a table in PostgreSQL that stores dob as datatype timestamp without timezone example value '1997-12-03 07:00:00'. My entity class is as follows @Tab

@RefereshScope in Spring config server

As per the documentation whenever the bean in RefereshScope and the actuator end-point refresh called the bean got refreshed. Questions : Bean refresh means spr

Terms query in java spring boot

I'm trying to add terms in the should clause of ES query in java spring boot. I need it to look like this: "should": [ { "terms": { "segment_s

Accessing Microsoft Graph API in Vaadin 23 + Spring Security + Azure AD

I'm developing an enterprise Vaadin application and I'd like to know if anyone has figured out how I can obtain the JWT token to make (from backend) a request t

How to use Low Level CTRPr & CTPPr Classes of latest Apache POI 5.2.2

I am upgrading to latest POI 5.2.2 from POI 3.14. Currently I am using below mentioned low level classes in Apace POI 3.14 which needs to be updated. i)CTRPr -

How can I build an web client of the default codecs' maxInMemorySize(3GB)?

I saw usually developers used buffer as just a few MB. However, I think I need to use buffer as more than 1 GB or even 3 ~ 4GB So I built a web client in source

Count and print unique list items in one chain using Java Streams

I'm trying to achieve this using only functional programming constructs (Streams, Collectors, lambda expressions). Let's say list is a String[]: {"Apple", "Sa

Trigger Guava cache refresh when a table is updated

Presently am fectching the list of clients from db using ClientDAO.getClients() and caching using guava with 30 minutes refresh period as below private List<

Plugin 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:' not found

I'm facing an error in my pom.xml file given below: Plugin 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:' not found Below is my pom.xml : <?xml versi

How to update element value in JsonObject?

I have a json file with parameters name and hit. [{ "name": "pavan", "hit": true }] I would like to update name and hit to [{ "name": "sai",

Can't find CorsRegistry class?

I'm creating a spring boot project and I'm trying to change the CORS policy because it keeps getting blocked by the browser. The problem is that I can't find wh

hashCode values not same in debugger and output in netbeans 8.2

Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("Naveen", 100); System.out.println("Naveen".hashCode()); /* output (-1968696341)

Why STOnOff Enums are removed in Apache 5.2.2 ? How to set X_0 & X_1 values?

I was using STOnOff.X_0 Enum to set value as 0(i.e false) for some elements in Apache POI 3.14 when constructing docx file. But now currently in latest version

Number of ways to recreate a given string using a given list of words

Given is a String word and a String array book that contains some strings. The program should give out the number of possibilities to create word only using ele

Unable to Capture Fingerprint using morpho fingerprint scanner device in android application

Device detail: Morpho fingerprint scanner device Method Type : CAPTURE URL : Headers content-type : text/xml Accept : text/xml B

Argument bean must not be null after upgrading my faces from 2.2.14 to 2.3.0

org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException: WELD-001456: Argument bean must not be null at org.jboss.weld.util.Preconditions.checkArgumentNotNull(Precon

CountDownLatch: object not locked by thread before wait()

I want to pause the main thread until the other thread finishes. I tried CountDownLatch and semaphore. but none of them worked. I got the same error for both.