Category "java-native-interface"

JNI: SIGSEGV when calling native function from Java, after native registration of same function on library second opening

I have an Android app that is structured in the following way: CORE: Is the class of the accessibility service that dinamically loads a few dex files. It will b

Can't obtain static method fromNative(Method, Object) from class com.sun.jna.Native

I'm using the JNA's com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary class in order to load the VLCJ native library. I'm working on an armv8(aarch x64)-based linux device. Below is my

Cross Compiling ghostscript for android, what host should I use?

Hi Guys I am using this tutorial to build ghostscript-9.19 to be able to use in my android application to convert eps document to pdf. It fails while configure.

Is it enough to wrap exported functions of a C library using JNI for it to work using JNI?

I am trying to wrap a C library using JNI. I am interested about the prospects of using any C library using JNI (particularly with Android, but I assumed this c

NDK: how to build a lib, so that app can work on arm(s), x86, etc.?

I never used c++ for android and NDK before. When I use it for - say - image processing I want to be sure app will work on all devices with android 2.2 and high