Category "istio"

Terminate istio sidecar istio-proxy for a kubernetes job / cronjob

We recently started using istio Istio to establish a service-mesh within out Kubernetes landscape. We now have the problem that jobs and cronjobs do not termin

Suddenly getting "Unable to connect to the server: net/http: TLS handshake timeout" from kubectl

My vanilla kubernetes cluster running on 'Docker for Mac' was running fine without any real load. Now, I deployed a few services and istio. Now, I am getting th

Istio Virtual service dark launch (deployment) Header exact not working

Currently i have an architecture where my API Gateway (http) is exposed to users and i have many internal services (gRPC) running. So the user request propagate

Istio vs Service Mesh Interface

I would have a conceptual question. I can not figure it out how Istio and Service Mesh Interface come together. Service Mesh Interface' goal is to have a standa

Locality LoadBalacing not working on Istio

We have a kubernetes cluster with ~100 nodes with istio and want to enable the Locality LoadBalancing feature. This will save us up to 70k USD/year because our

Istio + minikube + Nginx (React). Cannot get access from browser nor CURL

When I deploy without ingress-gateway I can get access via port-forwarding directly to LoadBalancer of application in the browser. But through ingress-gateway i

How to configure istio for mesh federation without service discovery?

Multi-trust deployment model from istio documentation I want to connect multiple meshes together. I currently manage 3 different AKS clusters Operations (aks-o