Category "iphone"

Flutter error: No profiles for ‘xxx’ were found: Xcode couldn’t find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching ‘xxx’

I am trying to test a Flutter app on an iPhone but I am getting the error shown below, This error happens during a build step. error: No profiles for

Xcode error: Failed to prepare device for development

I have updated to Xcode 12.3 beta. device version is 14.2, but Xcode complaining: Errors were encountered while preparing your device for development. Please c

Standalone PWA shows ◀Untitled instead of actual PWA name?

On iPhone running iOS 15.4.1, there seems to be an issue, where the back button to our PWA shows “◀Untitled” and not the actual PWA’s na

Flutter web done button has container at top of keyboard

I had an app that use flutter for web. every i focus on textfield and pressed the button 'done' at top keyboard of phone it will be close the keyboard but when

Will changing the info.plist of custom framework manually create problems in installing on device?

I made a custom framework from a xcode project with "" bundle identifier using lipo -create command by joining simulator and iphone architecture f

iOS: Detect if the device is iPhone X family (frameless)

In my app there is some logic for frameless devices (iPhoneX, Xs Xs max, Xr). Currently it works base on the model of the devices, so, I detect the model by Dev

IOS simulator is not open

IOS simulator is not open and shows only a black screen how can I open this simulator, I am using the latest Xcode. I try to Erase all simulator data but can't

Why does my css design look okay on various android screens and bad on iphone devices

I'm trying to design a webpage but it looks okay on android devices but when i use apple mobile devices (iphones) it doesnt follow my css rules and looks bad. i

How do i solve "Undefined symbols for architecture arm64" error?

I used the latest version of the AdMob plugin & unity Mediation plugin. but I still get this error, How do I solve the "Undefined symbols for architecture a

Segmentation fault: 11 (in target 'DKImagePickerController' from project 'Pods')

I'm developing IOS app from flutter. Everything working fine, suddenly I have received error SwiftCodeGeneration normal arm64 (in target 'DKImagePickerControlle

How to get the iPhone's screen width in SwiftUI?

I want to resize an Image frame to be a square that takes the same width of the iPhone's screen and consequently the same value (screen width) for height. The

when I sent transaction, web app redirects to app store on iphone

I made web app and tried to send transaction using metamask on iphone but it redirects to app store. It works well on desktop and Android. I used walletconnect

Determine on iPhone if user has enabled AutoFill Passwords

Hyperlink is shown at last for attached image, want to show highlighted option value from device setting section to my app . How to get current value of AutoFi

safeAreaInsets in UIView is 0 on an iPhone X

I am updating my app to adapt it for iPhone X. All views work fine by now except one. I have a view controller that presents a custom UIView that covers the who

Sending self sms from iPhone via flutter

I'm using the flutter_otp plugin for SMS. It works fine on Android but I get this error on iPhone. I tried different format for phone number but still the same

Reduce height and vertical padding for a react-native-paper TextInput

I have the following code: import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import { Button, TextInput } from 'react-

Failed to prepare device for development. XCode 13.2.1, iOS 15.1

After upgrading the mac OS and XCode to 13.2.1 and iPhone to 15.1, the device stopped connecting to the mac. It kept showing the error as Failed to prepare dev

Unable to mount a developer disk image. iOS 15.4.1 - Xcode 13.3.1 (13E500a)

iOS: 15.4.1 , Xcode: 13.3.1 (13E500a), macOS: 12.3.1 (21E258) Hi, I was originally trying to remote debug in Terminal by: idevicedebugserverproxy -d 9999 then

How to use camera in background in iOS

I need to use the camera in background mode for continuous taking images.but as per apple documentation, we could not use the camera in background mode. Is ther

unable to align multiple controls in SwiftUI

I'm trying to align controls as shown in "Storyboard" pic using the SwiftUI but not sure why still there is distance between segment control and search-Bar, and