Category "ipc"

multiprocessing.Queue fails intermittently. Bug in Python?

Python's multiprocessing.Queuefails intermittently, and I don't know why. Is this a bug in Python or my script? Minimal failing script import multiprocessing

IPC using .NET Core that supports duplex channel or callbacks

I am evaluating .NET Core 2.0 for IPC communication. I found that .NET Core does not support WCF on the server side. What can be used in .NET Core for inter-pro

C# Windows Messages in Console Application?

I need to use IPC to receive messages from another process. Currently I am using WPF application to receive messages using WindowsMessages but I am wondering if

How can Electron communicate with its Angular-Frontend?

I'm running an Angular Frontend within a frameless Electron-Window. Because the window is frameless, I need to implement the minimizing/maximizing/unmaximizing/

posix_spawn and non-standard pipe setup for ipc between parent and child process

The file actions of posix_spawn describe the setup code for the child process before it might run execve (which deletes stack etc). The intended use case is to

IPC::Run - Detection of premature child exit and closed pipes

I would like to use IPC::Run to communicate with child via child's STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR (start, pump, finish). It seems to work. I would like to know how

Is Node.js worker_threads module truly threads or just processes with IPC?

Recent Node.js versions contain the new module worker_threads which is said to bring multi-threading to Node.js. However, it seems using processes underhood: ht

contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld and IPC with Typescript in Electron app: Cannot read property 'send' of undefined

I defined contextBridge ( ) in preload.js as follows: const { contextBridge, ipcRenderer } = require("elec