Category "ios"

Possible to use Push notifications without developer account? [duplicate]

Is it possible to use push notification without developer account just for testing!

Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.IDEFoundation.IDEResultKitSerializationConverter

exeute xcrun xccov view --archive --file #{file_path} #{xcresult_path} > result.txt console log: 2020-09-17 15:33:01.346 xccov[80302:9272810] Requested but

how to get current displaying page month in string in Fscalender in swift

I know how to get the month of current page but I want to know how to get the month of current page in string in fscalender please help me I'm new to iOS. let v

How to set Flutter AppBar Transparent without the Status bar

I tried to set a transparent appbar using. return Scaffold( extendBodyBehindAppBar: true,       appBar: AppBar(   &nbs

How to make a view between Spacers always at the center in an HStack?

What I would like to achieve. regardless the width of text width at both side the button should always at the center of the HStack. HStack { Text("Fooooooo

How To decode Base64 encoded .SVG string using Swift 5.x

I want to decode a base64 encoded .svg image using Swift 5.x. Can anybody guide me on how to do it? I have encoded and decoded base64 .png before. Need help abo

How do I loop over section of audio in audiokit

How do I go about looping over a section of audio? For example, I'd like to loop from, say 7.3 seconds into a song to 10.5 seconds into it over and over indefin

CreateML MLModel works on playground UI but not in app

I'm working on a machine learning app that classifies numbers that are hand drawn. I have made a model using CreateML that supposedly has 100% accuracy (I will

Cant take to build in iOS after zebrautility: ^0.0.38 added

I'm new to Xcode in a flutter, when I integrated zebrautility plugin in the flutter project, the android module worked fine, and print works. When I try to run

Expo iOS build crashing on splash screen

I developed an app using Expo and React Native. The app worked fine during development using the Expo Go app, I tested in Android and iOS. Then I built each app

Flutter: How to draw a star

I am trying to custom my container shape to look like this: I tried to do it with customPaint but I don't know very well this widget so I need help. How can I

how to work with firebase with nullsafety on m1?

EDIT : solved at this time, just using the latest version i have test with latest version of firebase. and i got this CocoaPods could not find compatible vers

SwiftUI 2.0 CoreData issues with new project - 'Cannot find type 'Item' in scope'

[EDIT] I was hoping that Apple would have fixed what is obviously a bug. The solution is to clear the cache, close and reopen Xcode.. I am on Xcode Beta and sta

Cannot access button in nib file (UI Testing iOS)

I am writing a UITest case for my view. The problem is I cannot access the button in my nib file view. I gave the accessibility identifier to the button as well

flutter ios : Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '167x167' pixels,

I want to upload my flutter app to ios. Everything is working fine, but I am facing the issue at the uploading time Missing required icon file. The bundle does

navigation bar back ground color will change into wrong color when table view scrolls in swift 4

I seen this video on you tube But the problem is that navigation bar color will not change color into correct color

mutation attempt of frozen io.ktor.client.request.HttpRequestPipeline@151ac8

I'm using IO Ktor: ktor client core to implement multi platform network requests, but I encountered some problems When I use the class attribute created by http

Disable Screen Capture/ScreenShot in React Native App

I have came across few solutions specific for ios and Android to prevent screen-capturing and taking screenshots. But how do i disable screen-capturing in react

Expandable forms with UITableView?

I haave to implement 3 seperate forms, but they have headers which make the forms collapsible when clicked. When searching online I saw the expanding rows for U

iOS Critical Notifications # Unable to open the app from push notification (iPhone 12 - iOS 15.4.1)

Our app equipped with critical notifications support and play custom sound (siren) for critical events -