Category "ionic-native"

Ionic 3 pause and resume events triggering multiple times in Android

I am facing strange issue in ionic 3 pause and resume events, whenever I paused the application, events are calling multiple times(once 2, once 3 etc). Here is

How to run Ionic app on android-studio with capacitor on Ubuntu?

When I run the ionic capacitor run android command, to launch my application in Android Studio, I get the error saying: Unable to launch Android Studio." Yo

Cannot make http call on device

I couldn't get http api call working on the device. Cors is blocking it. I tried native http error as described in the link below but i am getting weird errors.

how to do prod build in ionic capacitor

In ionic 4, how to do a release aka prod build? The angular part can be build in prod mode by ionic build --prod Now how to copy this build to android? If I do

Ionic cordova-plugin-qrscanner has no camera preview

I run a simple demo to use cordova-plugin-qrscanner, it can scan qrcode but no camera preview. qrscannerDemo on Github Related code blow: import { Compon

advanced-http: "data" option is configured to support only following data types: object

in ionic 5 (capacitor 3 , angular 12) project , i used ionic-native/http for send http request. when use for send FormData object to server var fd = n