Category "internet-explorer"

SessionNotCreatedException with Selenium 4.1.3/IEDriverServer 4.0.0 without open desktop session (works with Selenium 3.141.0/IEDriverServer 2.53.1)

I'm running Selenium via a Jenkins Maven job. The job is running on a separate Jenkins agent without a remote desktop session open to it. When I run in Selenium

how to choose folder with html input file

I want to choose only folders when I'm clicking browse button. In my project I'm using IE for some reasons. I searched some forums but I didn't find any useful

IE driver 4.0.0 stuck at This is the initial start page for the WebDriver server

I am using Internet Explorer driver 4.0.0(32bit) and selenium updated version 4.1.2when I run the code using Internet Explorer driver 4.0.0 it is stuck at This

Mettler toledo IND780 read weight through javascript

How one can communicate with Mettler toledo IND780 device for reading weight through browser application through javascript. I know ActiveXObject will work with

Javascript code not worked in Internet Explorer but working on chrome and firefox

I have 2 files index.jsp and index.js index.jsp file as below <%@page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8" language="java"%> <

background-blend-mode alternative for internet explorer

I'm using background-blend-mode on my page but IE doesn't support it. How can I solve this? My page on Chrome/Firefox: My page on IE: My CSS: div#backgr

Session Storage in IE 11

I'm having some difficulties with my current task. It happens that I'm building some HTML pages and I want to transfer data from one to another. I'm using "ses

How to hide select options using css in IE?

I want to hide the options for a select tag and below is the code I have written. This works well with Chrome and Firefox but not with IE. <style>

Remove border from object element in IE11

I can't remove inset borders from object elements in IE11. They don't appear in any other browser or version of IE as far as I can tell. See the attached screen

a problem with showing PDF in window in IE

I'm having a problem with PDF showing in front of the properties panel in IE but not in Chrome. in IE in Chrome tried using z-index but had no success using ang

What is behavior: url(); property in css?

I was surfing and saw this css property which I have never seen or used before. I think it is related to Internet Explorer, and the structure is something like

Why use X-UA-Compatible IE=Edge anymore?

I've taken several online courses lately and I still see some instructors add the following meta tag to the top of their documents by default: <meta http-equ

Express item.parentElement.remove() in a way that is supported by IE

From what I understand, the remove() function is not supported in IE. I have a JS function that creates a div and appends it to an existing list.The div contai

launching chrome or IE via selenium VBA

I have written a code for web data downloading using selenium VBA, it works good in Firefox, but many time Firefox is crashing. I tried to launch chrome/IE from

Document title won't stop blicking

I'm trying to get the document title to blink whenever there's an incoming message. I was able to get the title to blink properly, however the problem I'm runni

activex outlook bring to front

How to bring the outlook application in front which is opened from JavaScript using ActiveX.The following is the code in which I need to bring outlook window on

IE bug triggers click for 2 buttons?

I am trying to trigger the submit button when a user presses enter. Works great for all browsers except Internet Explorer 9. Strange thing is that IE insists on

Loadrunner 12 - TruClient IE & FireFox Issues

Having the below issues using the TruClient Protocols. Any help would be much appreciated. Set Up: I have Loadrunner 12 installed in Win7 with IE 11 & lat

IE issues with 'focus' event

I have an app that must run in IE 7/8(compat). (I know, right?) The app includes the following functionality.... If I click on a dropdown list, the list checks

Inline handler not being called in IE9 for select element

I'm trying to figure out what could be causing a problem in IE9 on a production machine. We have a <select> combo box with an inline change handler (I'm a