Category "intellij-plugin"

How can you map .ideavimrc to switch between tabs in Intellij

In intellij with the vim plugin. I am trying to switch between tabs from within from rather than using intellij's default setup of alt+left and alt+right to swi

java.lang.VerifyError: class com.intellij.junit4.JUnit4TestRunnerUtil$5 overrides final method getRunner.()Lorg/junit/runner/Runner;

While running test cases from IntelliJ - facing this issue. mvn clean install works fine though. Anyone faced this issue before ?

alternate way to set Build and run using IntelliJ IDEA

I am working with Java source code with TestNG and frequently see errors like no test found to run OR Test event were not received whenever I try to run test ca

alternate way to set Build and run using IntelliJ IDEA

I am working with Java source code with TestNG and frequently see errors like no test found to run OR Test event were not received whenever I try to run test ca

Can't render component diagram with PlantUML in IntelliJ

I am trying to create a component diagram using the PlantUML plugin for IntelliJ. I have installed the plugin and worked with it before. However, when I try to

Error when trying to update IntelliJ IDEA

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.1.1 and I'm trying to update to 2021.1.1.3 (last available so far). I'm trying by Help > Check for Updates > Update > Up