Category "init"

How to create and call on a Python Class to calculate Kelly Criterion formula for sports betting?

I am trying to create a Python Class to calculate the Kelly Criterion formula in order to determine the precise bet size for an individual sport's investment. I

gcloud auth login throwing error: gcloud crashed (ConnectionError): HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded

gcloud builds submit failed for me yesterday. Then I tried gcloud config set project, that also failed. So I thought login might have expired so tried gcloud au

Permission denied on Kubernetes InitContainer while running command

I'm trying to add a certificate bundle to an existing certificate bundle file in a container. But I'm getting the error permission denied. I'm aware this is due

Databricks init script is failing to install packages but reporting as "Succeeded" regardless?

I have been attempting to setup 'init scripts' on databricks, so I can install all of my python libraries and keep the environment controlled. Tried yesterday u

How critical is dumb-init for Docker?

I hope that this question will not be marked as primarily opinion-based, but that there is an objective answer to it. I have read Introducing dumb-init, an ini