Category "image"

How to Init Image Manager In Opencart

I've a opencart with I've make a javascript in html which can add multi summernote. But when I upload image, it show original image uploader. I wish it

The <picture> Element in html5 shows not different images by resize

I found this code : I have tried it on all my browsers and it's been working properly

SwiftUI custom accentColor not working on physical device(iOS 13) but works everywhere else(iOS 14.0+)

In my SwiftUI View I've an Image that I've loaded from assets. I've set the foregroundColor to accentColor, which I've also set in asset as my custom AccentColo

1 files were skipped because there was no net space savings

I am trying to convert a PNG image file into a webP image file. but it gives me an error even my application minSdkVersion>19 but i don't know why its give m

The Jupyter Notebook cell keeps being run (never stops)

In my coursework, I have to create the following picture (with one piece with no effect on it) Below is what I have tried so far: import PIL from PIL import Im

Merge one audio file and one image file to create a video with ffmpeg

I first tried: ffmpeg -y -i image.jpg -i audio.mp3 -c:a copy output.mp4 but when I uploaded to video sharing websites (, it says "no video track",

What is filename for SMS-sent images processed by Twilio?

When I send an SMS to my Twilio number which includes an image, there doesn't appear to be a filename associated with the image. I'm using Twilio Studio. Exampl

webpack file-loader does not load background image

I've been having this problem for a while and I see that other people have it too, but even though I have the same code as them it is still not working and I do

Compare two images and find all pixel coordinates that differ

I have designed a program that compares two images and gives you the coordinates of the pixels that are different in both images and plots the using pygame. I d

How to create "recommended content" widget in HTML

i saw a "recommended content" widget in webs and i want to create one to my website. Example of widget i found online: widget i want to create a widget in HTML&

how to get the pop up images all the same size and in the centre

I have been asked to create an image gallery for a test website for a mini project at work with a few other people. I have created the gallery and the pop up im

CV2: "[ WARN:0] terminating async callback" when attempting to take a picture

I am trying to take a picture from the defualt carmera with python, to do this I am using openCV (import cv2 from python shell). However, when I attempt to disa

Import image dynamically in React component

I have an Articles component that shows a blog page with listed articles. render() { const articles = { ...this.state.articles } const art

Get PDF images in an array using PDFIUM to edit them

I am trying to write down a method to get all PDF images from a FPDF_DOCUMENT object to perform actions on them and return back theFPDF_DOCUMENT with the images

Rotating an image by x angle in c

I am rotating the image by x(45 degres) angle, But I am getting some black spots in the rotated image. How to avoid those black spots!! The logic I have used

How can I use Validator in perform_create to limit image upload size for Django Rest Framework?

In my view, I'm able to restrict an image's resolution to a specific range of width and height, but I don't know how to use this very method to also restrict an

Convert ImageBitmap to Blob

I'm using createImageBitmap() which creates an ImageBitmap file. How do I convert this file to a blob or ideally PNG so I can upload?

AttributeError: module 'torch' has no attribute 'rfft' with PyTorch

I am getting an error using a code that should work according to the documentation. The goal is to calculate the Feature Similarity Index Measure (FSIM) using t


Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.widget.ImageView.setBackgroundResource(int)' on a null object reference at com.Adapter.MessageAdapter.onBindView

clicker game various images

I am making a ui for clicker game and its supposed to change images on certain values that the price and popularity are at but the images seem to be stacking on