Category "ibm-cloud"

IBM Watson Assistant: How to add more then 5 skills?

I need to add more than 5 skills in Watson Assistant, but I don't know how to add them. I have a Plus plan with 100 assistants and 5 skills. When I add 5 skills

How to check message received from registered device only in IBM Watson IOT- Node Red

Is there a way to identify the messages received is from the registered gateway or device in the organization. I'm using IBM Watson IOT and Node-Red - editor t

Error received: [SSL: BAD_LENGTH] bad length (_ssl.c:2408)

I made a game that can be controlled with voice command. To convert all the voice command into text I used IBM Cloud Speech to Text service. Everything is done

CSRF validation does not work on Django using HTTPS

I am developing an application which the frontend is an AngularJS API that makes requests to the backend API developed in Django Rest Framework. The frontend

Embedded Watson Assistant instance to Wordpress

Is there a way to integrate Watson Assistant to a Wordpress website like in this video? I've been looking at the API reference but can't figure it out.

How can I recover the default resource group in my free IBM Cloud account?

I have recently enrolled in the Data Science IBM Course and many exercises make use of IBM Watson Studio. I have acquired access to it on my free account, howev