Category "https"

hashicorp Vault : " Error initializing listener of type tcp: error loading TLS cert " Where is my mistake?

I try to run Vault with docker-compose on Virtual machine ubuntu 20.04 ( ip : ). Without the https, already works fine, but when I try to put vault

As I set HTTPS=true in package.json I get an error

I am trying to run my react application in secure mode but as soon as I set HTTPS as true in package.json I get the following error. The app works just fine in

Rewrite rule for targeting http only (no https)

A website that I manage was currently turned via cpanel to redirect at https. Unfortunately a single site/folder/program works only in http and not in https (id

HAProxy Unable load SSL

I got this error 'bind *:443' : unable to load SSL certificate from PEM file '/etc/ssl/private/https-cert.pem' but the file location is correct. $ sudo ls -l

How many HTTPS certificates have the google reCaptcha endpoint? And where can I download them?

We have a Java web application that implements reCaptcha validation against URL in a microservice in Docker. Thi

Postman and content-length

From my laptop I initiated a POST request to my web server. The HTTP POST request looks something like this (when seen via POSTMAN console) POST /api/fwupgrade

Nginx proxy remove spesific path and emty Post request body +HTTPS

I'm using nginx for web service proxy. I have rest service as below and i want to proxy my domain Service has some method

letsencrypt certificate not loading outside internal network

I have a RasberryPi 4 running ubuntu/20.04.4 with nginx/1.18.0 Configured the ports forward (80,443) to the RPI4 and previously had it working with some godaddy

HTTP Range requests with php for Video Embedding for solving going to specific time in video (seek bar not work)

i'm trying to run a video through php file. it's worked.but the problem is that when i try to go to special time in video it replay the video from the beginning

HTTPS Request returns getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND

I am attempting to make an HTTPS POST request to the endpoint. Documentation can be found here:

wildcard certificate support using Autocert (golang)

implementing a https go server with wildcard certificate support. package main import ( "crypto/tls" "log" "net/http" "

Nginx: [emerg] cannot load certificate after I deleted the certificate

I generated an SSL certificate on one of my subdomains. I then tried to delete/revoke the certificate using the command certbot delete. A little terminal menu p

Godaddy URL redirect from HTTP to HTTPS

I host my website on heroku and bought the domain from godaddy, here's how I set my DNS records Records A - @ - Forwaded - 600 secs CNAME - www -

React Native Axios get response Skipped and Status Code 0

I got a problem with my react native app. while accessing API, I get a response Skipped and status code 0. it's shown by using reactotron to log the api respons

Problem installing SSL Certificade in Go Lang with Echo framework (Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server.)

I have build a Go server using Echo framework, i get TLS certificades and a domain name, but when i try a request i get the message "Client sent an HTTP request

What can be the reason for 'config.force_ssl = false' in rails app?

I found that config.force_ssl = false in config/application.rb, and nowhere it is defined as true, though the domain have SSL certificate. will there be any spe

Flutter HTTPS Handshake error in client (OS Error: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: ok(

A colleague has given me a Flutter project to try to build the app in iOS (I use a Mac, we both use Android Studio). Everything is ok except for this error:

HTTPS Request : CORS error but I still get data

I'm making HTTPS request to a private API (hosted Itop), I get an response but I get CORS Multiple Origin Not Allow error so my JavaScript program can't use the

RPC Error - valid string HTTPs rpc in Metamask

In my project, I tried to connect with metamask on Ganache. But I got the error like the following. inpage.js:1 MetaMask - RPC Error: Expected an array with at

Apache 2 - AH02311: Fatal error initialising mod_ssl

I'm trying to set up a Godaddy SSL certificate on a DigitalOcean droplet running Ubuntu with Apache 2. After I've configured the certificates correctly (to the