Category "html-select"

drop down list keep last selected option

I have created a profile page in php where a user using an html drop down list chooses gender. The html code is the following: Gender<select name="gender"&g

How do I make a placeholder for a 'select' box?

I'm using placeholders for text inputs which is working out just fine. But I'd like to use a placeholder for my selectboxes as well. Of course I can just use th

Select items in multiselect dropdown list MVC3 jquery

How can i set values in a multiselect dropdownlist using jquery.I am using MVC3 Razor view to display the multiselect dropdown and using http://quasipartikel.a

How can I set the default value for an HTML <select> element?

I thought that adding a "value" attribute set on the <select> element below would cause the <option> containing my provided "value" to be selected b