Category "hierarchical-clustering"

Reordering the high-level clusters from seaborn clustermap results

Is there a way to get from a to b in the following figure with scripting? I am using seaborn.clustermap() to get to a (i.e. the order of the rows are preserved.

Grouping/Clustering Rectangles

I have a list of shapes (list of points) e.g. rectangles which I want to group/cluster together. This is what I have: And this is what I want to achieve. How

Python: Connected components on a sphere

I have been banging my head against this for some time now. My problem is very simple to explain: I have data containing longitudes and latitudes. For simplici

Using precision recall metric on a hierarchy of recovered clusters

Context: We are two students intending to write a thesis on reverse engineering namespaces using hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithms. We have a var

Regrouping groups in SQL Server

I am trying to solve the below problem, I have an existing dataset that is already grouped, but I need to it to be grouped further based on the common "SO_Numbe