Category "health-check"

How to automatically restart Heroku dynos when application is failing?

Platforms such as Kubernetes have support for liveness and readiness probes:

How to Monitor health of AWS cloudwatch agents?

I have hundreds of EC2 servers runnin cloudwatch agents in them. I would like to have a monitoring mechanism to monitor hralthcheck of cloudwatch agents. And sh

How to add health checks to .Net core Background service

I am having a .net core 2.1 Background service application which is subscribed to a queue in Microsoft Azure Service bus. It has some logic and it calls to an a

Reading Server list as input from notepad or excel - Python

I'm new to python. Recently I created a Health Check script in python which is useful for fetching details for the base machine. But I want to use it for fetchi

Safe ways to specify postgres parameters for healthchecks in docker compose

I'm using secrets to manage username, password, and dbname with a Docker stack using Postgres as a DB. I now want to use the healthcheck feature that Docker pro

What happens to a Docker Container when HEALTHCHECK fails

The docker docs say what a HEALTHCHECK instruction is and how to check the health of a container. But I am not able to figure out what happens when healthcheck