Category "handlebars.js"

TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined , TypeError: _cb is not a function

my code in github, but I didn't upload the latest version: I use node.js and express.js framework. Database use mo

CSS won't load in hbs file for some reason

so I have a very basic file structure going but for whatever reason I cannot get the css to show up in the project when I run it on the localhost. everything el

error:failed to look up view "index" in views directory

local host port served an error in browser and did not load my static files. Returned an error 'Failed to lookup view "index" in views directory "C:\Users\xxxx\

Can't use logical operators in handlebars #if statement?

I have the following code: {{#if true}} An {{else}} A {{/if} That's the entire template. It's loading fine. But notice the #if condition is simply true. If I p

parcel build static/index.html × Build failed. Error: No transformers found for index.x-handlebars-template

I am trying to build an application with handlebars templating and express server. index.html file has all the handlebar templating within script tags with ment

Handlebars registerHelper serverside with Expressjs

I am using expressjs with handlebars as templating engine with following code in Webstorm IDE with express generator.There is no visible handlebars require in t

Import a JavaScript file with Webpack

I got Webpack up and running and now I'd like to split my code into separate files. Lets say I have this code in a separate file: handlebarHelpers.js handleb