Category "hamcrest"

Comparing LocalDate using Hamcrest in Junit Test Case

I am my unit testing my REST Controller, one of whose field is LocalDate in my Test Case. Code below: @Test public void getByExternalTransactionId() throws E

Getting java.lang.SecurityException - "org.hamcrest.Matchers"'s signer information does not match

I am executing below Rest Assured Program: io.restassured.RestAssured.baseURI ="http://a.b.c.d:9200/e/f"; Response responseNew=null; req

JUnit5: How to assert several properties of an object with a single assert call?

I want to assert several properties of an object with a single assert call. With JUnit 4 and Hamcrest I would have written something like this: assertThat(pro

Is there a way to do deep comparison on a nested property with Hamcrest

I use hamcrest for most of my testing ,but have encountered a issue with it not being able to test a property one level down in the object graph .A snipped of m