Category "google-forms"

Google Apps Script trigger function runs twice

I have the following trigger setTrigger() set for when a Google Form is submitted. For testing purposes I created a simple function triggerFunction() that creat

Automatically Move Google Form Response by Ticking Check Box

I have 2 google Forms. User fills either of the google forms and it populates 2 "active" tabs within the same sheet to record user responses. I would like to us

How can I change accounts when I am trying to open up a restricted Google Form?

My web browser is logged into multiple Google accounts and I have a restricted Google Form URL like this that I need to open with a specific account. https://do

Missing necessary OAuth permissions on GCP Pub/Sub

I'm trying to follow this guide here to get push notifications whenever a response has been submitted on a Google Forms form. All prerequisites have been comple

How to make a google apps script that takes a random value from a column when out separate sheet

I'm sorry for the question, but I am not really a software developer and not familiar with java. I've been struggling with this problem for days, and the deadl

Android: Cannot find element id/name in google form android

I am trying to integrate google form with android using this link But when I created a google form as mentioned in the tutorial I was not able to find the name

e.source returns Spreadsheet instead of Form object?

I create google form 'on the fly' using data in spreadsheet. Also I install trigger on submit form event. ScriptApp.newTrigger('onSubmit') .forForm(form)

Embed Google Form in Gmail using Apps Script

I'm trying to use Apps script to embed a prefilled Form in an email. The emails will only be sent to Gmail users. I want something that works the same as pres

Performing calculations on Google Forms

I am trying to create a Google Form for an event registration. The admission charges to the event vary for the adults and children. An user can specify the numb

I need to accurately find the form response id using google scripts

I have a simple form and I want to forward the response pages to my email address so I can click through straight to the result of that form submission. Using t

How to split single rows into multiple rows depending on whether one cell has values separated by commas or new lines in Google Sheet?

The spreadsheet has some cells with cell contents that are separated by commas, or a new line. 123, 876, 456 Column "C" is the column that determines whet

How to split single rows into multiple rows depending on whether one cell has values separated by commas or new lines in Google Sheet?

The spreadsheet has some cells with cell contents that are separated by commas, or a new line. 123, 876, 456 Column "C" is the column that determines whet