Category "google-colaboratory"

Is running Selenium on Google Colab possible?

I'm having difficulty working with Selenium directly from Google Colab. Whenever I run the code below on my local machine I get success, however I would like to

Google collab pip doesn't get recent package version

I'm using Goggle colab to test code that I maintain in PyPI. However, the runtime environment does not recognize the existence of recent versions of my package.

File exists but Colab says no such file found

I mounted the files from google drive correctly with the following code. from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/gdrive') base_path = "/content/gdr

Having Issues Loading the CelebA dataset on Google Colab Using Pytorch

I need to load the CelebA dataset for a Python (Pytorch) implementation of the following paper: The original code for loadi

Achieving the equivalent of Google CoLab @param markup in Jupyter without CoLab

Google Colab has some unique embedded markdown features which are not present in Jupyter markdown. For example, this produces a slider: #@title SEIR Model with

Why did Selenium stop working today on Colab?

Screen Shot Link to workbook showing issue:` !apt-get update !apt install

Kivy/MySQL/colab-google Mysql request does not work

I'm using python/Kivy/MySQL/colab-google to compile an apk. When I run the app on Android, I give the command to register the app shuts down. import k

'str' object has no attribute 'decode' for tensorflow in colab?

I'm a beginner of deeplearning.I copied the code with python3 in colab. Code is from the book called"Book - Practical Deep Learning for Cloud, Mobile & Edge is unsupported in this environment

I am using Colab instance that is connected to Google Cloud to train a neural model using NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB. I want to load my files from my Google Drive bu

Training Yolact on Google Colab+ without timing out

I want to train Yolact on a custom dataset using Google Colab+. Is it possible to train on Colab+ or does it time out to easily? Thank you!

TypeError: 'ZipFile' object is not callable

I am trying to save the new cropped brain tumor images into the subfolders of TRAIN_CROP, TEST_CROP, and VAL_CROP in the main folder of TRAIN, TEST, and VAL. x

Running the same code yields different results on Colab and on local. No randomization or NN training involved

My code yields different results in the local terminal and on Google Colab. However, if I run the same code on Colab but with a terminal command (i.e. !python t

Flush local disk of Google Colab to Google Drive

I am downloading a 350 GB dataset to Google Drive by setting my current working directory to a folder on Google Drive in Google Colab, and using the curl comman

Error while using mex file in Colab with Octave

I am trying to use MATLAB in Colab. MATLAB is run in Colab through Octave. I have to use the MR8fast() filter, which in turn uses anigauss.c. I could successful

Google colab access Machine's local drives directly using Os.listdir

I am new to google colab and i am figuring out if google colab is able to access files on my computer's cdrive directly. import os path = 'C:\\Users\\guest\\D

How can I fix this "dpkg" error while installing CUDA on google colab

I want to run CUDA code on google colab. For that I am following the below steps but I am not able to install CUDA packages. Step 1: Removing previous CUDA vers

Colab: Importing old modules from tf.keras 2.4 fails; importing from Keras 2.4 works, but leads to mixing tf and tf.keras

I'm trying to modify a jupyter notebook to run on colab. It's from a somewhat older repo with known compatibility issues for tensorflow/keras versions after ~2.

Trying to change Google Colab font family to Arial

I am trying to use the Arimo-font in Google Colab. I´ve been using some code that I got from a SO post: from matplotlib import font_manager as fm, pyplot

Can't convert cuda:0 device type tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu()

My code in colab worked in January and now it doesn't. It's a Style Transfer program using pytorch ( Th

matplotlib plotting is not working in google colab

I wanted to use matplotlib in colab but it didn't work. As this link says I tried both %matplotlib inline and %matplotlib notebook but they both didn't work. Bu