Category "google-cloud-storage"

How to resolve class file for not found

I am Trying to upload JSON data to gcs. As I did not use google cloud previously I started with uploading random String to gcs but I got stuck at the beginning

Firebase Functions) Can I exclude certain files when importing them from the Storage bucket?

I'm going to delete old images using the schedule function. Before deleting these images, I have created thumbnail images, and I want to delete only the origina

How do I reference an image from storage in cloud firestore? React

I'm so confused. I have a form with an input field where you put in a 'title' and an upload file where you upload an 'image'. I created a doc in Cloud Firestore

Is it possible to use x-goog-if-generation-match in python client?

I'm using Python library to store files in Google Cloud Storage from my App Engine flexible application. I would like to x-goog-if-generati

Apache HttpClient 5 as transport option in Google Cloud Storage API

When using the Google Cloud Storage API in Java, we can create an instance of Storage using a builder while specifying some transport options, as follows: Stora

Data Transfers to Big Query error "Error while reading data, error message: JSON table encountered too many errors, giving up. Rows: 1; errors: 1"

Hello im currently trying to establish daily data transfers from Google Cloud Storage to Big Query tables. Theses tables are just meant to store raw data (JSON

Grant your originating account the Service Account Token Creator role on the target service account

I used the below command to Authenticate in MAC OS terminal gcloud auth login It redirects to the google login page and show the authentication process success

Google Storage Bucket Permission to view object but not to list

I created a storage bucket with publicly accessible files. I want to ensure that viewers can view individual objects if they access them directly, but I do not

Where do I find my Google Cloud Storage Bucket access key?

I am trying to set up my Google Cloud Storage Bucket and need the JSON key structure, but I cannot find it. Where do I find the GCS access key?

how to load data to jupyter notebook VM from google cloud?

I am trying to load a bunch of csv files stored on my google cloud into my jupyter notebook. I use python 3 and gsutil does not work. Lets's assume I have 6 .

Can you use a Jupyter notebook on my GCP VM to run TPU training in Google Cloud?

I am switching from running TPUs in colab to running TPUs in Google cloud. I am used to running training in the colab jupyter notebook, but from the GCP TPU qui

Is there a way to grant access to gcloud using only information in the JSON key file but not the JSON file itself (on Colab)?

To grant access to Google cloud services without google account, a json key file is needed in the following way: !gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-fil

Google Cloud Storage seeing incorrect content type on my static files

My google cloud storage browser is seeing the incorrect content-type on all of my static files (css, js, jpg, etc.) and this is causing a mime type error when s

Revoke the signed URL of the object that was created in GCP Cloud storage

Suppose I have this scenario where I created a signed URL to GCP object using the private key of the service account using the following command. $ gsutil signu

Google Cloud Storage doesn't upload to the correct media and static directory in the bucket

I have created an app in Django and want to use Google Cloud Storage to keep my statics and media files. However, when running python collectstatic It

gsutil ServiceException: 401 Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.list access to bucket even though I'm loggedin in gcloud

I am trying to create an internal app to upload files to google cloud. I don't want each individual user or this app to log in so I'm using a service account. I

How use Google Cloud on Source Tree?

I just created a new Repo in Google Cloud and wanna use the Source Tree app as controllers for my git interactions. But I keep been asked this password for pus

Google Cloud Storage confused about ACL/IAM and legacy permissions

I have a bucket whose contents I want to be publicly readable. However, I do not want the users to be able to list all of the contents by removing the keyname f

FTP to Google Storage

Some files get uploaded on a daily basis to an FTP server and I need those files under Google Cloud Storage. I don't want to bug the users that upload the files

Why does Google Cloud Storage freeze when I try to upload a large folder (2.5GB of images)?

After getting frustrated with Azure, I decided to try GCP. I wanted to try training a deep learning image classification model using GCP. To start off, I went t