Category "google-cloud-firestore"

UseEffect API Request not displaying on page load

Apologies in advance if similar questions like this have already been answered. I have tried everything, but still cannot figure out why I am experiencing this

Firebase-admin Firestore node.js share logic with modular v9 js sdk

What is the recommended way to share Firestore api logic (between the admin node.js and the js web) when upgrading to the web v9 modular sdk? The way I did it b

Why I need to press Login button 2 times then it will fetch the user data from firestore?

I am new to react-native and firebase authentication also firestore database. Basically here I would like to implement 3 different types of user which is buyer,

This is a most likely a transient condition and may be corrected by retrying with a backoff

I'm using firebase in my project and i got some issues mentioned below - [cloud_firestore/unavailable] The service is currently unavailable. This is a most like

Put information in a specific sub-categories, flutter, firebase

I would like to upload informations in my UID doc, but the information is stored in another subcategory. Future postDetailsToFirestore() async { FirebaseFi

Firestore asks me create the index that is already exist

I'm trying to paginate comments. The first 10 comments is loading ok, but next ones (when query contains startAfterDocument) return error like: Query(comments

Firebase Realtime Database: Save costs by choosing short path names?

Firebase RTDB costs are, in contrast to Firestore, calculated by download size (and not by operation count). When you get data, like in this pseudo code databas

Firestore SDK - Where does onSnapshot event listener/pending writes store data?

As per the answer in the link below: Does Firebase Firestore keep a local copy of snapshot The Firestore SDK keeps a local copy of: All data that you have an a

Is there a way to get an initial event when using firestore/angularfire collectionChanges() on an empty collection

I am using Firestore with AngularFire and am currently trying NgRx for a new feature. As recommended, I am using collectionChanges instead of collectionData, to

Should you use required named parameters when making a data model in flutter?

Is it good practice to require named parameters for data models in flutter when you know that the data should always have a specific field like an id or usernam

Combining Provider with a steam provider not updating

I am working on a technique to determine if some has elevated rights to show an edit icon. I am using Firebase for auth and firestore for back end. My thoughts

How do I reference an image from storage in cloud firestore? React

I'm so confused. I have a form with an input field where you put in a 'title' and an upload file where you upload an 'image'. I created a doc in Cloud Firestore

NullInjectorError: No provider for InjectionToken

I'm trying to insert the form data in cloud Firestore database. Below is my x.component.ts file in which I'm getting error at constructor where I'm writing priv

How does firestore read write and delete calculated? [closed]

I am trying to analyze and optimize the number of Reads and Writes in my cloud Firestore Database. How Does Firestore calculate Reads and Writ

suddenly my app can't fetch data from friestore on my flutter project

suddenly i cant fetch data inside of the firestore database. tried to change google-services.json and still did't fetch data from firestore. and i tried to disc

Update an already existing element in Firebase [duplicate]

I have a Node.js and Firebase project. How can I update a field in an array which already exists? Seems out that Firebase has only two array o

Not able to submit the data to firebase from contact form

import React, { useState } from 'react' import styled from 'styled-components' import Title from '../Components/Title' import { InnerLay

How to check if the fields exist in a document

I have a user collection and I'm trying to search if the first and last name exists and if not, I just want to put a display message that it does not exist. I t

Firebase Serve: Error occurred while parsing your function triggers

Im trying to use firebase serve in order to get my localhost url I can't seem to move past this issue. Here is my index.js const functions = require('fireba

How to change User::Model In Laravel with User Auth in Firebase

Recently I have make Laravel auth with composer require laravel/uiand I can edit/create user with MySQL where as auth users for Firebase . I also can create/