Category "google-chrome-headless"

How to modify the first pageNumber or execute JS in header or footer template with Chrome DevTools Protocol's printToPDF

I'm using Headless Chrome to print out PDF files by using the printToPDF CDP method. If we set displayHeaderFooter parameter to true, then we can set specific p

How can I download images on a page using puppeteer?

I'm new to web scraping and want to download all images on a webpage using puppeteer: const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); let scrape = async () => {

Puppeteer wait until page is completely loaded

I am working on creating PDF from web page. The application on which I am working is single page application. I tried many options and suggestion on https://g

Override the browser date with puppeteer

I'm trying to setup puppeteer to run a few performance tests. I'd like to override the date to a specific value so that I can mock the data my app needs without

How to maximize Headless Chrome window in Robot Framework?

I'm not able to start Headless chrome with a maximized window. I tried two solutions but none of them worked for me. First solution : Open Browser ${LOGIN_