Category "google-artifact-registry"

Inject Google Artifact Registry credentials to Docker build

We have a Google Artifact Registry for our Python packages. Authentication works like this. Locally it works well. However, how do I pass credentials to Docker

GCP - Cloud Function can't find Python package from Artifact Registry in the same project

I've been trying GCP's Artifact Registry, which is currently in alpha for Python packages. I do the authentication via Keyring along with my service account, as

Cannot add private python dependency to cloud function

I am trying to deploy a python cloud function on GCP, using a python package pushed on the artifact registry of another project. I followed the instructions off

How to fix 404 error when installing npm package from GCP artifact registry with yarn?

I'm having an issue with installing an NPM package from GCP. I was able to upload the package to the artifact registry of GCP by doing the following steps: Logi