Category "gitlab-ci-runner"

I want to run gitlab-runner like executing commands hook only

I have a dedicated server and attached Git-Runner. We just want to run something like this on a file path git pull npm install npm run prod the problem is git-

How do i add custom certificate to gitlab-ci.yml file with default runner. I am running this on cloud

variables: MAVEN_OPTS: "-Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 -Dmaven.repo.local=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.m2/repository -

Configure cache on GitLab runner

I don't manage to configure a cache directory, but somehow it does not work. I'm not even sure it takes the config.toml file. my config.toml: concurrent = 1 c

Gitlab-runner + Docker-compose deploying scheme: how to properly restart containers after reboot of host server

Suppose I have repository on Gitlab and following deploying scheme: Setup docker and gitlab-runner with docker executor on host server. In .gitlab-ci.yml setup

GitLab Runner suddenly fails to run jobs using Docker Machine and AWS Autoscaling

I use GitLab Runner for running CI jobs on AWS EC2 spot instances, using its autoscaling feature with Docker Machine. All of a sudden, today GitLab CI failed to

Gitlab CI with Ansible

I am creating a pipeline which is automatically triggered when I push my code on The project is about the provisioning of a machine. Here my .gitla

copy artifacts from gitlab runners to windows shared drive

Am new to gitlab runners. I need help with pipeline script to copy the artifact produced by gitlab pipeline( which runs on a linux runner and windows) to a wind

copy artifacts from gitlab runners to windows shared drive

Am new to gitlab runners. I need help with pipeline script to copy the artifact produced by gitlab pipeline( which runs on a linux runner and windows) to a wind

gitlab runner Specific runner vs Shared runner vs Group runner

As a Sysadmin, I'm using gitlab as git server and some docker server as deploy servers. We have many projects on gitlab, Now I decide to use gitlab runner as a

gitlab kubernets runner failing to authenticate in private docker registry during prepare stage

Im setting up a gitlab runner in my kubernets cluster. The runner is properly deployed and running. When I trigger any pipeline, during the prepare stage it fai

How to get schedules description in gitlab?

I have a scheduled pipeline in gitlab, whose description is "run everyday". similar to this How can I fet

gitlab-runner:Pipeling is pending infinitely

I install a Specific Runners,and the status is actived. my .gitlab-ci.ymi file code: stages: - build build_maven: stage: build only: - master scrip

[Gitlab]Where can I find Gitlab Pages hosted on my private Gitlab instance?

I tried to set up Gitlab Pages, until now I finished uploading my static website files👇 Uploading artifacts... coverage/lcov-report: found 77 matching

Cypress run on Gitlab CI/CD always failed but work properly on local run using Chrome image & node

I have configured my cypress test in the GitLab CI/CD pipeline, However, in my local environment, it runs perfectly with no errors, however, when the pipeline j

Gitlab CI/CD - sending comments/alerts to the gitlab UI?

Currently I have this line in my .gitlab-ci.yml file: if (( $coverage < $MIN_COVERAGE )) ; then echo "$coverage% of code coverage below threshold of $MIN_COV

Gitlab-Runner on Kubernetes/Openshift

I'm trying to deploy Gitlab-runner(s) on Openshift/K8S, but can't succeed in having runners communicating with Gitlab (itself deployed in pods on OCP). I follo

error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied on gitlab-runner

I'm trying to pull code with gitlab-runner with a shell executor. $ git pull origin master error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied ERROR: Job

Using GitLabRunner to execute GUI tests on windows with permanent active user session

i'm having issues to get a permanent active user-session on my virtual machine to execute gui tests developed with the functional testing tool Ranorex Studio vi

Black Duck with Gitlab-CI runner

Im trying to integrate BlackDuck in to a gitlab ci script. Running OpenJDK on Alpine 3.9.2 I get the following error in the logs 2019-10-14 15:19:00 ERROR [ma

Gitlab-CI: Cross-service communication

I’m currently using Gitlab-CI to test a jboss eap based java application. To be more precise, I’m using Postman’s newman tool to run some REST