Category "gitlab-ci"

I want to run gitlab-runner like executing commands hook only

I have a dedicated server and attached Git-Runner. We just want to run something like this on a file path git pull npm install npm run prod the problem is git-

How to fix? "kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer"

I want to copy data with scp in GitLab pipeline using PRIVATE_KEY error is : kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer Connection reset by x.x

How do i add custom certificate to gitlab-ci.yml file with default runner. I am running this on cloud

variables: MAVEN_OPTS: "-Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 -Dmaven.repo.local=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.m2/repository -

Why does Gitlab CI fail to get git submodule but on subsequent push checks out the submodule?

My project consists of a parent project and a child project. The child project is included in the parent project as a submodule. I am using Gitlab CI. Below is

Common script for all jobs inheriting a hidden one in Gitlab CI

We have a common included CI config file (.services.yml) for a set of projects looking like this: stages: - ... - build - ... .build: stage: build scrip

GitLab Runner suddenly fails to run jobs using Docker Machine and AWS Autoscaling

I use GitLab Runner for running CI jobs on AWS EC2 spot instances, using its autoscaling feature with Docker Machine. All of a sudden, today GitLab CI failed to

How to Access Postgres Service from Child Docker Container in Gitlab-CI? How do I access IP address of postgres service or gitlab shared runner?

I have setup a gitlab-ci build with the architecture illustrated below. (source: . The listener container is unable to communicate with the postgres

GitLab CI in GKE private cluster can't connect to master

So far we have been using GKE public cluster for all our workloads. We have created a second, private cluster (still GKE) with improved security and availabilit

Netfilx eureka server - client booth in docker at gitlab ci; 400 bad request

I'm working with two apps, one of them is server-app (Netflix eureka server) and the other is the client-app, they works perfectly on my machine, client registe

How to get the results (succeeded or failed) of previous stages/jobs in a pipeline of GitLab CI?

In one pipeline there are multiple stages. How can I get the results (succeeded or failed) of previous stages/jobs in the last stage/job of a pipeline?

Gitlab CI with Ansible

I am creating a pipeline which is automatically triggered when I push my code on The project is about the provisioning of a machine. Here my .gitla

copy artifacts from gitlab runners to windows shared drive

Am new to gitlab runners. I need help with pipeline script to copy the artifact produced by gitlab pipeline( which runs on a linux runner and windows) to a wind

copy artifacts from gitlab runners to windows shared drive

Am new to gitlab runners. I need help with pipeline script to copy the artifact produced by gitlab pipeline( which runs on a linux runner and windows) to a wind

GitLab pass variable from one pipeline to another

We have a master pipeline, which is responsible for triggering pipelines from multiple projects and performing some steps. I want to pass a file from first pipe

Storing secrets and credentials securely in GitLab

I am wondering if it's possible to store credentials like passwords, tokens and keys safely in my GitLab project. Currently there are a bunch of Java files wit

How to fetch entire repository with GitLab CI/CD?

I'm currently setting up GitLab CI/CD. We use GitVersion in our project, which throws the following error: /root/.nuget/packages/gitversiontask/5.3.7/build/GitV

Gitlab automatically stops environment after merge

In our team we have multiple static environments. There is always dev and test and for certain customers where our infrastructure is allowed to deploy also stag

Manual approval in GitLab CI deployment pipeline

we've got a GitLab CI build / test / deployment pipeline and need to insert a manual approval between deployment to Test and promoting to Prod. I can't figure o

How to get schedules description in gitlab?

I have a scheduled pipeline in gitlab, whose description is "run everyday". similar to this How can I fet

gitlab-runner:Pipeling is pending infinitely

I install a Specific Runners,and the status is actived. my .gitlab-ci.ymi file code: stages: - build build_maven: stage: build only: - master scrip