Category "gis"

Why do terra::cellSize() and raster::area() produce different estimates of raster cell area?

I just noticed that terra::cellSize() produces cell area estimates that do not match those produced by raster::area(). First, why do these two methods not provi

returning the LINESTRING of the part of a POLYGON that falls within another POLYGON?

I can see if two POLYGON's intersect with one another using MBRIntersects(g1, g2) but is there a way to return the LINESTRING part of g1 that falls within g2? A

Changing values in a raster

I have a raster file (created in QGIS, from a vectorial file). I would like to know if it is possible, in R: 1) to change the values of the pixels? (I believ

Plotly Dash - TypeError: Object of type Polygon is not JSON serializable

I am attempting to plot choropleth map using dash and mapbox. At runtime, I am getting an error "TypeError: Object of type Polygon is not JSON serializable". sa

Custom SRID in Django-Leaflet

I'm having trouble specifying a custom SRID with django-leaflet. The documentation on projections isn't very detailed, and mentions only briefly: By defaul

Draw sector by center point, radius, interior angle and azymuth in postgis

I'm building a javascript application using Bing Maps API, and I would like to make up sector geometries from center points and sector parameters. I have a tabl

Using an Excel file in ArcMap 10.3

I need to take an Excel file that includes many columns, two of which are longitude and latitude. How do I get ArcMap to accept this file as spatial data, and

Projection of a point to a line segment Python Shapely

I have a LineString defined by two points, so essentially a straight line segment, and I wanted to project a point on to it. I am aware of .project and .interpo

ArcMap Field Calculator Program to create Unique ID's

I'm using the Field Calculator in ArcMap and I need to create a unique ID for every storm drain in my county. An ID Should look something like this: 16-I-003 T

Compute distance and position from camera (lat,lon) to object on photo

I just started working on a new project, doing research about the state of the art methods computing the position of objects on photos, given the following info

pyproj conversion UTM to lat/long out by 3 deg

I am reading UTM point data from a shape file. The geopandas CRS string associated with the shape file is: PROJCS["WGS 84 / Falk",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_19

pyproj conversion UTM to lat/long out by 3 deg

I am reading UTM point data from a shape file. The geopandas CRS string associated with the shape file is: PROJCS["WGS 84 / Falk",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_19