Category "function"

Return the sum of the numbers in the array,except ignore sections of numbers

SUMMER OF '69: Return the sum of the numbers in the array, except ignore sections of numbers starting with a 6 and extending to the next 9 (every 6 will

PowerShell, auto load functions from internet on demand

It was pointed out to me (in PowerShell, replicate bash parallel ping) that I can load a function from the internet as follows: iex (irm https://raw.githubuserc

How can I encapsulate code dealing with matrices and make it reusable?

At my course we are getting tasks that always start with filling a random matrix size nxm with random numbers. I want to create(a library?, a class?) some struc

How to create and call on a Python Class to calculate Kelly Criterion formula for sports betting?

I am trying to create a Python Class to calculate the Kelly Criterion formula in order to determine the precise bet size for an individual sport's investment. I

Skip Integers for lab activity

Define a function named skip_integers, with a variable number of arguments. Use a for loop to iterate over the arguments. Use a check to see whether the value p

Angular 10 - Not to trigger (click) function on dragging

I have a div with an openlayers map like this: <div id="map" (click)="getInfo($event)" class="map"></div> I use dragging with my mouse to navigat

I'm using pure JavaScript but I continue to get errors that end with "is not a function". How do make it so I can detect words and reply accordingly?

I want to detect a specific word or multiple words within the user's entered text and reply accordingly. I plan to add more words to detect but for now I've bee

How we can use mutimap_agg function in spark sql and also suggest if any equivalent or alternative function to this

Can anyone help how multimap_agg function in SQL and can be used in spark sql

Repeat a python function on its own output

I made a function that scrapes the last 64 characters of text from a website and adds it to url1, resulting in new_url. I want to repeat the process by scraping

Create helper function for a (click handler) function to reuse in multiple React components

For a 'back' button I've created below (onClick) handler function in my React app. const { length: historyLength, goBack, replace } = useHistory(); const h

Adding JS function to onClick event

I am currently trying to make three buttons that will call the same function, but will result with three different outcomes. This is what I have so far: html &l

Movie Recommendation: Generate similar movies for all movies

I'm using scikit-learn TfldfVectorizer to produce the TF-IDF matrix #Import TfIdfVectorizer from scikit-learn from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfV

Python, loops and closures

I'm a fairly experienced C/C++ (and to some degree, Java) programmer. I'm learning python, but I'm baffled at some strange (for my backgroung) behaviors of the

Recode values by function()

I have one quest (pretty short). I shoud recode variebles with function(). I tried some, but it doesn't work still. It should work with this: recode.numeric(x =

How to call Future Function to another class in flutter?

I am new in flutter. I created Drawer and loaded its header data from server by creating a future function. I want to recall this future function again from ano

How to open a modal with a form inside when any button within my table is clicked in one function

I have a modal within a div I want to pop up when any button inside my table is clicked. it will be fetching data from an API as the question and the form is fo

YDNJS: scope and closures hoisting wrong example [duplicate]

I am reading YDNJS: scope and closures, And in chapter 4 which talks about hoisting it says that Function declarations that appear inside of

What is the scope of variables in JavaScript?

What is the scope of variables in javascript? Do they have the same scope inside as opposed to outside a function? Or does it even matter? Also, where are the v

Codeigniter, Severity: error --> Exception: Too few arguments to function, admin dashboard shows HTTP error 500

I am faced with an error in log files This ERROR - 2022-05-13 02:47:21 --> Severity: error --> Exception: Too few arguments to function Transactions_model

How to pre-fill arguments to a function in Ruby?

Let's say I have a function foo: def foo(A, B, C) A + B + C end And I call it like this, with only the last parameter changing: foo("foo", "bar", "123") foo("