Category "frontend"

How to remove vuetify autocomplete component default icon

Vuetify autocomplete by default have custom "up" and "down" arrow icons: How can be changed this icon to search icon in other events (active or inactive) an

Unhandled Rejection (Error): call revert exception

I am getting this error message when trying to interact with my smart contract on my react front end. I am running localhost3000 and which requires metamask to

Does length of CSS code determine the loading speed of website? [duplicate]

I am beginner. I want to know, Does length of CSS code determine the loading speed of website?? Please tell me about relation of code and load

Log current time during webpack watch

I'm trying to improve developer experience with webpack, and I want to log the current time when running watch command, so I know when an error occurs behind th

local storage is not persistent in react app

I am creating a react app which is using local storage. I am saving and array of objects to local storage. when I try to save to local storage the data is savin

Why is Graphql data object only available outside the call function

I am new to graphql and react so I can't figure out why the loaded data return object is only available outside the mutation post which produced the data. Could

unordered list bullets don't work on safari

I have a simple unordered list with a custom bullet (>> instead of a Disc Bullets). It is working on Firefox, but not on safari. On Safari my bullets beco

setTimeout with Promises

I trying to solve a challenge with the following question: Implements a function that takes a number as a parameter and after x milliseconds (between an interv

Angular 13 use proxy.conf.json in production

I use angular in version 13 with proxy.conf.json in development. I am try to use this proxy in production and generate a dist file with ng build but it's not wo

How to add dynamically created input field values to a use state array?

Continuing troubleshooting from Adding data to array using UseState onChange Hi, i am trying to make a button, that adds a new input field, then, when i click a

How do I prevent HTML2PDF from auto-downloading the pdf?

I have a HTML2PDF method in my JavaScript code. The code is working great on one hand as I can open the rendered pdf in a new blob tab and open the print window

Get cookie of parent page (iframe) using JS

I need to get a cookie created in parent page. I need get a spesific cookie (example) who was cread on and used this on my

Angular Micro front end

I am trying to build a micro front end application with Angular 8. I am not able to find any support in Angular official site. Can some one please tell weather

Uncaught TypeError: match is undefined leads to blank page

I'm currently doing a repo finder and I'm having an issue to make the program display the repo name The main page looks like this import {FaGithub, FaPlus, FaSp

can't move a Slider <input type="range"> with Cypress using arrowKeys

I'm trying to implement some tests here and can't apply my logic to the input range of this website: here m

retrieving FormData as its original form

Today, while working on a project which uses below flow for creating new post in website [Client] ---> FormData --> [FrontEnd Server] ---> FormData --&

can i build a component which interacts with backend using angular elements? [closed]

I'm currently building a quiz app which uses a component to create a widget using which we can embed to a 3rd party website. This widget GETs

How to change the default screen background color of all the pages in React JS(Next JS) using tailwind CSS

I am trying to change the default screen background colour of all the pages of the web application. Technologies I used: React JS Next JS Tailwind CSS I want to

mixed payload data fields in react signup form

I am really new to react i created a sign up form but when posting data values are mixed I created onchange and onsubmit to track changes and submit the to back

Page looks different on localhost than in Intellij preview

In my Spring app I have implemented form on my page and I don't know why it looks different when I run it on localhost from when i clicked in the Intellij chrom